"Something is wrong with my car again"

Nov 08, 2005 00:44

So on saturday my car decided that it did not want to be my friend anymore and broke down. When i went to start it a it made a loud pop and smoke came out of the hood. I then successfully started it, and it was shaking really bad, and I could not accelerate at all and it started making a loud rumbling sound. So I had to leave it at work, and had Anthony pick me up for the basketball game. I decided to leave my car there until I figured out what to do with it.

So next day, Katie Cole (who is the pretty much the greatest human to ever live on the planet) gave me a ride to my car and waited with me for the tow truck to come. On saturday night she had offered to drive me somewhere if I needed it the next day, and then on sunday she took 3 or 4 hours out of her day to drive me to my car and then wait for the tow truck to come all out of the goodness of her heart. I owe her big time.

Anyways, they towed my car, and then I called the place they towed it to today to see what the deal was and they said they would take a look at it, and if it wasn't a big problem they might have had it fixed by today, but they did not call me. So tomorrow I'm going to give them a call and see what the problem with my car is, how much it might cost and when it might be fixed by. its so frustrating not having a car, especially since I live off campus and have a job. I had to miss work today because I had no way to get to work, and even if I did, I had no way to get to school after work. it sucks. Now i need to find a ride home from school tomorrow. man this sucks.
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