We're not happy til you're not happy

Oct 16, 2005 22:14

With the release of "We're not happy til your not happy" Reel Big Fish has undergone a few lineup changes, losing and adding a trumpet player and drummer. However, despite these changes one would expect Reel Big Fish to still play their signature goofy ska punk that they are known for. Do they deliver on this album? Well, Yes.......and No.

This is undoubtedly Reel Big Fish's most mature album to date. (Did I just use the words 'Reel Big Fish' and "mature" in the same sentence?) Yes, they still have their fun sing along songs like "Drinkin", "Don't Start a Band" and "Your Guts (I hate 'em)", but on this album they manage to deliver some more mature songs such as "Turn the Radio Off", "The Joke's On Me" and the delightfully spiteful "One Hit Wonderful".

The album starts out strong with "The Fire" a fast paced ska number that draws some significant influence from the 2 tone ska bands of the past. It continues on with "Drinkin" which could be considered the companion piece to "Beer", a driving sing along about, what else, drinking. "Don't Start a Band" is a fun song, as is "Awesome", although I find myself reaching for the skip button when it comes up. A cover of Morissey's "We Hate it When Our Friends Become Successful" is pretty good, although I have to admit having never heard the original.. The lyrics are altered a little saying, "we hate it when our friends become successful/ and if they're No Doubt that makes it even worse." Nice.
"Turn the Radio Off" is a song about how the radio sucks, then comes a nice reggae flavored cover of Tracy Chapman's "Talkin' Bout a Revolution". "The Bad Guy" is nothing special, as is the cover of Social Distortion's "Story of My Life". Seriously guys, three cover songs on one album? Having some writers block?
"The Joke's On Me" features some good work on the synthesizers, on a song with sort of an 80's feel. Not a Killers 80's feel, but more of a fun rock feel too. Its enjoyable. Next comes one of the highlights of the album, "One Hit Wonderful" This song laments the percieved one hit wonder status the band has with the general public. In "One Hit Wonderful" RBF bash the music industry as well as the popular music loving public saying, "We were one hit wonderful, well it can't last long/ they dont' love you/ they just love that one song" This slow paced number is one of the highlights of the album, with front man Aaron Barret seemingly spilling his guts about his career so far. The album closes out kind of weak with "The Last Show", "Say Goodbye", and "Your Guts (I hate 'em)". While all songs are enjoyable, none of them are particularly memorable.

All in all, this album seems like a step forward for the band. They have gotten a little more serious while still including fun tracks like "The Fire" and "Drinkin". The production on the album is good, with the exception of the abudance of vocal effects on a number of the tracks. The harmonies and horns on this record are wondeful, as you have no doubt come to expect from Reel Big Fish. The song writing is hit or miss on this record as the good songs are excellant, and the others being fun, but not necessarily anything special. One complaint I do have is that their are three cover songs. I mean, seriously? come on. Anyways, this is a fun record for fans of Reel Big Fish. If you aren't already a fan, you will not be won over.

Score 6.5/10
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