Feb 18, 2005 00:07
This is an effort to keep me from studying for my two tests tomorrow. So this will probably be long, so if you aren't interested in my life stop reading. but then why would you be reading in the first place? who knows?
So the new Ted Leo album "Shake the Sheets" is one of the best albums i've heard in a while. If you are a fan of indie rock with a punk edge and a little dub/ska/reggae stuff thrown in. Really that doesn't even describe it. He is such a good guitarists and writer its amazing. Anyways check it out, its an excellent piece of music.
So my winterbreak last week was pretty good. I stayed here and played laser tag and watched the crosstown shootout on thursday and then went home on friday. I went ot the pacer game with jeff and then went out with ryan and his friends and got wasted at some dive bar. good times. On saturday i just hung out at my house and watched Batman returns on tv. good stuff. i had forgotten how funny christopher walken was in that movie. his interactions with danny devito are priceless.
So i've been writing a lot lately, and i feel like i've got some decent stuff down, but really thats not the important thing. the important thing is that i'm writing. Last semester i didnt' even try to write much, so its nice to get back in the swing of things, and really the only way for me to get better is to keep doing it, so i'm going to try and keep it going. sometimes its hard to find inspiration, but lately things have been coming to me. what can i say? i must have a gift.
I was thinking the other day about different people i used to hang out with and stuff and how its really weird that I don't talk with them anymore. and sometimes its like we dont' even talk if we see each other anymore. its kind of weird. maybe i feel like its been so long since we've talked that we don't have anything in common or just we don't know what to say to them anymore. I mean there are some people, just for example like loman or eric who i may not really talk to on a regular basis, but when i see them, its just like we pick up right where we left off. know what i'm saying? probably not. basically i was just thinking about a few girls that i was friends with (i would still consider most of them friends, but for arguments sake...), and we were pretty good friends and talked a lot and hung out, and granted I had a romantic interest in them that never panned out, but i hardly ever talk to them anymore. I mean i would still consider them my friends, but i guess its just that things are awkward between us or something happened that made everything change. or maybe somewhere along the line i did something to make things awkward.(this is not unlikely, because as you know it is pretty much a doug shank trademark to make things awkward with girls) I dont' know, this is me babbling. alright, seriously, i'm going to get back to studying. keep it fazing.