This is a moon without a tide, we'll build a fire in your eyes

Jun 11, 2007 17:43

This entry is about food. And an endorsement for Weight Watchers.

I like food. It keeps me alive and it tastes good. But lately, I've been putting junk into my mouth. Junk food, not heroin, in case anyone was confused. Since it's so hot out lately, and there's no air conditioning here in the apartment, I've been craving ice cream like it's my job. And then when I have ice cream, I kinda go crazy. And then Chris's birthday was last week, and instead of buying 2 cupcakes like I intended to do originally, I bought a cake. And not a low fat cake. It was a delicious black forest cake and it was gone in 3 days. How sad.

Do I intend to do Weight Watchers forever? Well, yes and no. I want to keep my account active and keep weighing in, it keeps me accountable for myself, so when the scale starts to creep up (like now =/), I can catch myself before I can't fit into my pants. Right now I'm trying out the Core plan (when I'm not eating ice cream),  and so far it's going well. Do I want to count points for the rest of my life? Not really. That's why I like Core; there's minimal counting. Instead, I'm trying to eat healthier as a whole: more healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, less processed foods. Last night, I was looking through my Core cookbook for stuff to make, and Chris asked me, "So how long are you planning on doing Core?" The look on his face was less than thrilled when I told him "um, forever?"

And now, I shall go eat my chicken salad, sans bread.

weight watchers, chris, married life

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