Aug 10, 2006 15:45
1. Chris and I are moving!!!! We have a new apartment in Grandview, and now we get to deal with the joys of moving all of our junk across town. Oh joy of joys. I was supposed to be cleaning and packing today, but I have done minimal work.
2. In this moving, I have been cleaning out my closet and trying to get rid of clothes I haven't worn in a while. I thought I'd try to pawn off my "trendiest" clothes off to Plato's Closet, and put the rest in a pile to go to AmVets. So I took a laundry basket-full of clothes to the nearest Plato's Closet, and the place is packed. I drop off my stuff, leave for 40 minutes, and come back. They're just about to sort my clothes. I watch as this gothy-looking girl put my clothes into one of two piles: on the counter, or back in my basket. Most of my clothes go back in my basket. I end up leaving 4 pieces of clothing lighter and a whopping $14. Ok. My clothes weren't "cool" or stylish enough to make the cut. I get it. I am well aware that for most of my life, I've dressed like a chess-club reject,....which makes sense since I'm studying to be a librarian. But jeez. Plato's Closet has awfully discriminating tastes. I thought as long as it was in ok shape, they'd take it. But no. Sorry, I don't shop at Holister or Ruehl. And there was some good stuff in my basket! All my dress pants that are too big on me now, they took one pair. And upon further (yes, further!) reflection, I remember that Plato's Closet advertises themselves as a "Teen Shop". I am no teen. Not by a long shot.
3. My employment at Macy's ends in two weeks. My boss was really disappointed when I told her. For a flash of a second, I considered staying, but no. Anyway, it's for the best. My Macy's card bill is coming soon, and it ain't gonna be pretty. It's best if I'm not around things I want to buy all the time.
4. Maurice Clarett? Not a very bright individual. Good luck with that 5 million dollar bond, buddy.