Sunday night was my work night out and it was a bit good!
Steph came to and we went to the Tudor and danced to cheesey Christmas songs and I ball room danced with Barry, Stephen picked me up and spun me round and my dress swirled! Adele told me about Steph's and Stuart's dancing and it made me laugh just a bit.
Later on some of us went to the Edge and I danced on the tables and spun round the pole pretending I was a pole dancer. I was the best. Adele was dying at how I was dancing with Stephen ontop of the tables. It's okay! We were all just a bit drunk.
I got home just before 3.30 I think and slept until Anne woke me up at 8.20 but I just went back to bed. It wouldn't have been actually possible to go to school.
Instead Andy came over yesterday and I made him a salad and thought it was so strange that he wouldn't have crisps and chocolate afterwards. I got mad with him and told him to leave except I was kidding. He thought I was being serious and was going to leave but I said no no no. So he stayed and May kept asking him if he liked his alarm clock. She's turning into Bob with this repeating herself.
Drinking vodka out of a Disney mug. Nice. P.s I like how I let Steph wear my clothes and belt but she goes daft if I touch her things. Cunt.
HAHAH I CAN'T TAKE THAT GRAHAM! Got made to sit in the corner because he was so drunk.
Kieran was just a bit drunk in case you didn't know.
Hahah this is Ian my manager and Adele told me today I was huggin him. LOL.
Lol I showed Danielle this photo and she was like 'OMG MY BOOBS ARE FALLING OUT'
Adele looks stunning even though she's with a slaaaaaag in this photo.