Aug 14, 2004 11:17
Hi. Be sure to read this post thoroughly or kittens will scratch your very imagination. I can prove it. I do swear.
I finished my GED testing. I passed all the tests in one shot. I'm not sure if I have to get a finalized special certificate or something, but I have my transcript. Hoo-rah.
I'm in a new D&D campaign a friend is doing. It shoud be interesting. I need to finish distributing my skill points. I like pen and paper RPGs.
We have a PC in the shed up and running. I ain't a windows man, but hey, whatever.
The Moogle Cavern is a cult. You can not escape.
My MacHD on my old Imac exploded, and the CD drive wouldn't read the boot CD. I changed the alignment of the CD drive laser but have yet to test it out out of fear.
I've been too busy to do all the things I want to. Hrmm.