{ snow and smiles

Dec 24, 2011 23:33

Title: snow and smiles 
Author: chaeii
Pairing: homin (Yunho/Changmin)
Rating: G
Word Count: ~1000
Summary: "It snows the first time Changmin sees Yunho.
A/N: mindless!fluff. slee_pig_dragon asked for angst initially, and I don't know how this became the most shallow thing I have ever written. Maybe because it's Christmas Eve.

{ snows and smiles

It snows the first time Changmin sees Yunho.

He isn’t sure why he remembers. In all honesty, it wasn’t anything special, just a coincidental glimpse through a frosted window. But maybe it was due to the falling snow and the way the streetlight had shone on Yunho, lighting one side of his face and leaving the rest in shadows. He isn’t one to notice people, usually preferring to ignore others, but there was something about the time and place (and Yunho) that had him staring till Yunho walked away.


It rains the second time Changmin sees (meets) Yunho.

It’s pouring, rain hitting the cobbled streets and people alike. Changmin is rushing to a class, books held in his hands. The building he has to go to isn’t very far, and he decides to attempt a dash towards it. He holds the books closer to him, and is about to run when,

“Are you going over there? Me too,”

He looks up and someone is holding an umbrella over him. There’s something familiar about the person, something about his side profile that reminds Changmin of hot coffee in a café on Christmas Eve, of frosted glass and streetlights, and then he remembers.

(Thoughts of fate and destiny fall in his mind like snowflakes, but he grasps them in his hands and hold on till they melt back into reality.)

They walk together under the umbrella, arms occasionally brushing against each other. Yunho introduces himself, asks for Changmin’s name and major, and Changmin answers accordingly.

“Hey, maybe we could study together sometimes,” Yunho suggests offhandedly, when they reached the shelter of the building. Before Changmin can react, he pulls one of Changmin’s books from his hand and scrawls his number (with a pencil) on the first page.

“See you, Changmin,” he says, and then like melting snow, he disappears and leaves Changmin feeling confused.


Hey, is this Yunho? I am Changmin.

Hi! I wasn’t expecting you to text me actually. I realized I was too pushy yesterday. I just transferred here so I guess I was anxious to make friends.

Ah… it’s okay. Do you still want to study?

“Really? Of course! How about the café down the street from the university?”

(The same café where Changmin saw Yunho for the first time.)


They fall together fluidly.

It’s weird, because Changmin has always been a little awkward around people, especially people like Yunho, who epitomized positivity and happiness, people who smile and smile and smile and still manage to mean it. He doesn’t really understand why Yunho chooses to stick to him of all people, to always continue a conversation even when Changmin is unable to find anything to say.

They develop a routine, where they study together at the café a few days a week. Sometimes they share a cup of coffee when their budgets are tight. Yunho always lets Changmin choose what type of coffee to get. They sit opposite each other, pens and pencils mixing in the middle.

Yunho has a habit of doodling on the top of Changmin’s notes. He doodles stuff like hi and :), sometimes even full sentences like I am bored,  how do you concentrate for so long  and do you want to share a muffin. Sometimes he attempts to draw little animals, but his rhino turns out to look like a caterpillar with a smile.

Eventually, Changmin starts to reply him, writing hi back and study on the top of Yunho’s notes. Very soon, the top of both their notes are filled with conversations that only the two of them understand.


Yunho draws a heart on Changmin’s notes one day. It isn’t a very pretty heart. In fact, it’s lopsided and the proportions are all wrong. Changmin stares at the heart, and his own heart thumps in his chest, blood ringing in his ears. He looks up at Yunho and sees that he is busy scribbling on his notepad, purposely avoiding Changmin’s glance.

Changmin picks up his pen and moves it towards Yunho’s paper. He draws a heart in return. His heart is even uglier, the points not reaching each other properly. But when he looks up, he sees Yunho smiling; a smile that travels up to his eyes and seemingly radiates from his whole face; a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts (including Changmin’s).

Yunho draws more hearts on his notes thereafter, and Changmin never erases any of them (no matter how much they clutter up his notes).


Changmin can’t pinpoint the exact moment he falls for Yunho. He thinks it might be the very first time he saw Yunho standing under the streetlight, but it’s ridiculous, because people don’t just fall in love so easily. Maybe it was when Yunho smiled at him for the first time, eyes gleaming and lips turned upwards.

It feels like he has always been in love with Yunho, always had been looking forward to the way Yunho smiles brighter than the sun.


It snows the first time Changmin kisses Yunho.

It’s Christmas Eve and Changmin is slightly late in meeting Yunho. He walks quickly, rubbing his gloved hands together. He turns the corner and there is Yunho, standing under the same streetlight from a year ago. There’s a sense of déjà vu that fills him, except this time, Yunho is facing him and the streetlight shines on his entire face. And then Yunho smiles at (for) him, bright and easy as always. He walks forward, ignoring the way his heart is fluttering in his chest, wounds an arm around Yunho’s waist, and kisses him before he can react.

(Yunho’s lips are surprisingly soft.)

Oh my god, I churned this out in like an hour and it's so shallow to be quite honest. But it's Christmas so I guess it will work? It was supposed to be angsty, and you can probably see it at the start but it just became... this.

pairing: homin, rating: g, length: ~1000

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