On the topic of comm modding.

May 29, 2017 21:10

After being openly attacked for my attempt to apologise to those I may have made uncomfortable using the public forum of the comm and to request that people not be rude or insensitive about certain topics, I have come to a decision regarding my participation in this comm.

To those who are critics of the way I deal with social situations, I say: bollocks to you; I've fought long and hard to get to where I am today, where my social anxiety is concerned, and I am not going to stand for this kind of treatment. I am blunt and open about these sorts of things because it is the best way for me to keep my anxiety about whether people know where I stand to a minimum. And I find it also helps quite a lot when one is very plain about one's meaning when dealing with the internet, where tone and body language do not come through.

Now that I have finished out the RBB, I am not going to take part in any future CIM comm events, for the foreseeable future.

As much as it pains me to leave as talented and generally welcoming group as you are, I can not and will not put up with a group of moderators who prefer to put other members of the community before me rather than on par, and who choose to ignore my own requests that such things be handled better.

Given that there was no response to my open letter a couple of weeks ago, I can only assume that my complaints have not been addressed and will not be. Moreover, the accusations that were leveled at me in response are offensive to me on a very deep level.

As a community mod -- whether or not you are modding the comm or an event -- it is part of your job to hear community complaints and address them. When this is no longer a thing that you do as a mod, you are derelict in your duties and actively harming the community.

That is the kind of behaviour that does not make me feel welcomed, or even accepted as part of the community.

Further, when one of the mods informs me that I make them uncomfortable because of what I say and how I act, and another steps up to say I make the rest of the comm uncomfortable for much the same reason, it is pretty clear I have overstayed my welcome.

To those of y'all who've been great fun to interact with, I bid a fond adieu. It's been real.

I have no intention of stopping my writing, and anyone who wants to continue to follow my work is free to subscribe to my AO3 feed, but I will no longer be posting fic announcements to the comm or using it to interact with anyone here. If there is demand for it, I am happy to post my fic announcements to my personal LJ instead, so if that's something you'd like, please let me know in the comments.

I will not be replying to flames or other such hate. Anyone who intends to leave hate can go fuck themselves with a cactus.

I am including the transcripts of both the incidents in question below, for those who feel like reading through them. Only the names of chat members present have been altered to protect them from getting the same hate I likely will for daring to air this dirty laundry openly.

As pertains to the Kerfluffle, as I will term it, there are a number of points that I want to bring up:
1 - when handling complaints about off-topic discussion or other ships that make people uncomfortable that is a thing that should be discussed one-on-one with the offending person, if at all

When resolving conflicts one of the biggest rules to observe is to keep it between the involved parties and not pull others in. Especially if those others have been observing the rules. And As can be seen in the logs below, all of the mods present can be seen to take part in what I would consider "off topic" discussions. If this is going to be a rule, then everyone should have to follow it.

2 - if there are going to be 'guidelines' for chat, they need to be clear and concise and posted publicly

This is a well-known fact when it comes to managing people. If you want to post rules, that is how to do it.

3 - if there are going to be 'guidelines' for chat, they need to be possible to negotiate

This point relates to the bolded part of (2) -- if the rules as written are not clear, then it should be possible to negotiate them or clarify.

4 - informing the chat directly, as was done here, only caused a lot of confusion, anger, and questions

Well, I don't have too much to say about this, except that everything was handled very poorly. When the new 'rules' were not immediately accepted without question things rapidly became very hostile. I will not claim to be blameless here, but when provoked, I will hit back.

5 - the way chat was informed was rude, thoughtless, and assumed that we would be able to read tone and intention

This last point is perhaps the most important, in my opinion. You simply can not assume that people will be able to read tone and intention out of some text. Odds are good that they will misunderstand.

25[2017-04-17 11:00:50] -› Now talking in: #cap-im
25[2017-04-17 11:00:50] -› disco_pinecone (~disco_pin@46-126-173-232.dynamic.hispeed.ch) joins #cap-im
28[2017-04-17 11:00:50] -› Topic is: Reverse Bang Chat! "I'm not half as good at--at anything as I am when I'm doing it next to you."
28[2017-04-17 11:00:50] -› Topic set by laire|mob!uid180259@ealing.irccloud.com at Sat Apr 15 15:24:52 2017
29[2017-04-17 11:00:50] -› #cap-im has modes: +n
29[2017-04-17 11:00:50] -› #cap-im created on Sun Apr 04 14:38:31 2010
19[2017-04-17 11:00:55] * [chat member 1] has added a few hundred words to rbb, is reaching the Good Stuff, but now needs snack break
16[2017-04-17 11:00:58] [chat member 1]: hi disco!
21[2017-04-17 11:01:01] [disco_pinecone]: morning
16[2017-04-17 11:01:07] [dap|mobile]: Hi disco
21[2017-04-17 11:01:12] [disco_pinecone]: hi dap
21[2017-04-17 11:01:15] [disco_pinecone]: y u awake?
19[2017-04-17 11:01:18] * disco_pinecone eyes
16[2017-04-17 11:01:27] [chat member 2]: yo disco
21[2017-04-17 11:01:31] [disco_pinecone]: hi [chat member 2]
16[2017-04-17 11:01:36] [dap|mobile]: Up late playing video games with friend
21[2017-04-17 11:01:39] [disco_pinecone]: ah XD
16[2017-04-17 11:01:40] [dap|mobile]: Just got home
21[2017-04-17 11:01:43] [disco_pinecone]: fair enough then
16[2017-04-17 11:02:39] [chat member 3]: daaaaaap ong
16[2017-04-17 11:02:42] [chat member 3]: omg
21[2017-04-17 11:02:43] [disco_pinecone]: ?
16[2017-04-17 11:02:49] [chat member 3]: [chat member 2] too D:
21[2017-04-17 11:02:49] [disco_pinecone]: hi
19[2017-04-17 11:02:51] * [chat member 1] starts next tng ep and there is a character called etana
16[2017-04-17 11:02:55] [chat member 3]: [chat member 2]
19[2017-04-17 11:02:56] * [chat member 1] chuckles
16[2017-04-17 11:02:59] [chat member 1]: this is finnish for snail :DD
16[2017-04-17 11:03:01] [chat member 3]: it late for you!
21[2017-04-17 11:03:05] [disco_pinecone]: XD snail!
16[2017-04-17 11:03:14] [chat member 1]: what a great alien name :P
21[2017-04-17 11:03:22] [disco_pinecone]: i like it
16[2017-04-17 11:04:10] [chat member 1]: i love hwo dap signs up and everyone's reaction is this worried WHY ARE YOU UP SO LATE :D
16[2017-04-17 11:04:14] [chat member 1]: a chat of mother hens <3
16[2017-04-17 11:04:32] [dap|mobile]: I love you all
16[2017-04-17 11:04:35] [dap|mobile]: And it's fsir.
16[2017-04-17 11:04:43] [chat member 1]: ...signgs up... logs in, whatever
16[2017-04-17 11:04:45] [chat member 3]: everyone always telling me to sleep when i'm up late
16[2017-04-17 11:04:50] [chat member 3]: now i can hen them!
16[2017-04-17 11:04:51] [dap|mobile]: Fair. Tomorrow is monday. But it's still holiday
16[2017-04-17 11:04:56] [chat member 1]: english and your phrasal verbs
19[2017-04-17 11:05:07] * [chat member 3] floofes and cuddles dap
16[2017-04-17 11:05:11] [chat member 2]: I am awake [is nocturnal]
16[2017-04-17 11:05:15] [chat member 3]: how late is it for you?
16[2017-04-17 11:05:20] [dap|mobile]: Um. 3am
16[2017-04-17 11:05:30] [chat member 2]: [eyes clock] 2:05 AM
16[2017-04-17 11:05:47] [chat member 1]: o_O
16[2017-04-17 11:05:51] [chat member 1]: how do people stay up so late
21[2017-04-17 11:05:53] [disco_pinecone]: all y'all have no sleep cycle to speak of, lol
16[2017-04-17 11:06:08] [chat member 3]: well i might say "omg late" but then again, i regularly stay up that late too
16[2017-04-17 11:06:08] [chat member 4]: hi disco
19[2017-04-17 11:06:15] * [chat member 1] couldn't keep eyes open past 1am if she wanted to :P
21[2017-04-17 11:06:17] [disco_pinecone]: hi prince
16[2017-04-17 11:06:22] [chat member 4]: whoops, i'm not actually showering anymore
16[2017-04-17 11:06:43] [chat member 4]: also the braided bread turned out very well and very big
16[2017-04-17 11:06:45] [chat member 3]: i have a sleep cycle! it's just "sleep from 3 till 10:30"
16[2017-04-17 11:07:00] [dap|mobile]: [chat member 4] sounds good!
21[2017-04-17 11:07:12] [disco_pinecone]: mmmm Zopf
21[2017-04-17 11:07:14] [disco_pinecone]: :D
16[2017-04-17 11:07:26] [chat member 4]: yessss
21[2017-04-17 11:07:43] [disco_pinecone]: mom makes the best Zopf, but I've never mastered it
21[2017-04-17 11:07:49] [disco_pinecone]: also it's very fattening
16[2017-04-17 11:07:49] [chat member 3]: awesome prince
16[2017-04-17 11:07:52] [chat member 2]: I work more towards night
16[2017-04-17 11:08:02] [chat member 4]: i should take a picture
21[2017-04-17 11:08:06] [disco_pinecone]: yes, do it
21[2017-04-17 11:08:11] [disco_pinecone]: food porn
16[2017-04-17 11:08:49] [chat member 1]: "zopf" also sounds like an alien name :P
16[2017-04-17 11:09:08] [chat member 4]: in that case it's osterkranz
19[2017-04-17 11:09:14] * [chat member 1] checks image
16[2017-04-17 11:09:24] [chat member 1]: no that's a pullapitko :D
21[2017-04-17 11:09:45] [disco_pinecone]: a who with the what now?
21[2017-04-17 11:09:50] [disco_pinecone]: Finnish.
16[2017-04-17 11:09:57] [chat member 1]: \o/
16[2017-04-17 11:11:54] [chat member 2]: whelp I should probably head to bed or at least put my feet up
16[2017-04-17 11:12:04] [chat member 2]: good night guys
16[2017-04-17 11:12:07] [chat member 1]: yes do that :)
21[2017-04-17 11:12:09] [disco_pinecone]: 'night [chat member 2]
16[2017-04-17 11:12:09] [chat member 2]: [waves]
16[2017-04-17 11:12:15] [chat member 1]: 'night, [chat member 2]
16[2017-04-17 11:12:17] [chat member 3]: might night
16[2017-04-17 11:12:26] [chat member 4]: good night [chat member 2]
19[2017-04-17 11:12:50] * disco_pinecone is laboriously trying to write things out phonetically for fun and profit
16[2017-04-17 11:12:51] [chat member 2]: [waves] night guys
21[2017-04-17 11:12:55] [disco_pinecone]: sleep well
27[2017-04-17 11:12:56] -› [chat member 2] (~62a571d2@ip98-165-113-210.ph.ph.cox.net) has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
19[2017-04-17 11:13:15] * disco_pinecone is pretty sure no one in chat will get it, though
16[2017-04-17 11:13:54] [chat member 1]: whuh
16[2017-04-17 11:14:05] [chat member 1]: why not
21[2017-04-17 11:15:31] [disco_pinecone]: so. Swiss German.
25[2017-04-17 11:15:33] -› navaan (~Angela_Tr@ip-178-203-232-170.hsi10.unitymediagroup.de) joins #cap-im
29[2017-04-17 11:15:33] -› ChanServ sets mode: +o navaan
21[2017-04-17 11:15:33] [disco_pinecone]: mir Schwyyzer chöi scho bache we' mir wei. es isch aber chlyy schwer die regionale Spezialitäten z'beschryybe ohne Mundart z'bruuche
21[2017-04-17 11:15:42] [disco_pinecone]: hi navaan
16[2017-04-17 11:16:17] [chat member 1]: ...okay yea
16[2017-04-17 11:16:25] [chat member 4]: i don't get the second half of the first sentence
16[2017-04-17 11:16:26] [chat member 1]: i get "swiss" and "regional specialties" :P
19[2017-04-17 11:16:26] * laire|mob puts on mod hat
25[2017-04-17 11:16:29] -› [chat member 5] (~justtesti@pD9EC05BB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joins #cap-im
21[2017-04-17 11:16:41] [disco_pinecone]: close enough, [chat member 1]
16[2017-04-17 11:16:59] [chat member 1]: hi navaan
16[2017-04-17 11:17:00] [laire|mob]: hi chat we gotta have a talk
16[2017-04-17 11:17:05] [chat member 1]: ...laire did we do something wrong :
16[2017-04-17 11:17:06] [chat member 1]: :o
21[2017-04-17 11:17:08] [disco_pinecone]: 6.o
16[2017-04-17 11:17:11] [chat member 1]: not enough stony?
21[2017-04-17 11:17:17] [disco_pinecone]: relax [chat member 1]
16[2017-04-17 11:17:42] [chat member 1]: she's looking all official
16[2017-04-17 11:17:43] [chat member 4]: us swiss people can bake indeed [idek]. but it's hard to describe the regional specialties without using regional slang?
21[2017-04-17 11:17:51] [disco_pinecone]: close enough, prince
16[2017-04-17 11:18:03] [laire|mob]: well, i meant to say that before the last rbb chat, but most people were out for Easter, I believe
16[2017-04-17 11:18:27] [laire|mob]: but there will be more event chats in the close future, what with date claims and bb announcements etc
16[2017-04-17 11:18:37] [chat member 1]: ...so we should chatter less?
16[2017-04-17 11:18:58] [laire|mob]: and i would really, really like to avoid the situation from the rbb art claims chat
16[2017-04-17 11:19:04] [chat member 1]: ??
21[2017-04-17 11:19:06] [disco_pinecone]: which situation is that?
21[2017-04-17 11:19:11] [disco_pinecone]: pls clarify
16[2017-04-17 11:19:18] [@navaan]: a little less OT during that time would be helpful, yess
16[2017-04-17 11:19:28] [laire|mob]: so basically yes: not enough stevetony
16[2017-04-17 11:19:47] [chat member 1]: ...i guess we need to do a separate ot hivemind chat or sthg then :(
16[2017-04-17 11:19:50] [chat member 1]: sorry
16[2017-04-17 11:19:53] [chat member 1]: i
16[2017-04-17 11:19:57] [chat member 1]: am freakign out a little over here
21[2017-04-17 11:20:07] [disco_pinecone]: [chat member 1], honey, breathe
16[2017-04-17 11:20:19] [laire|mob]: this is a cap-im channel and this is what new people seek, and during rbb claims there was other ships discussion
16[2017-04-17 11:20:20] [chat member 1]: i always blab about useless bullshit
19[2017-04-17 11:20:25] * @navaan pats [chat member 1]
16[2017-04-17 11:20:28] [chat member 1]: i don't want to have to
16[2017-04-17 11:20:34] [chat member 1]: think about every sentence i say like
16[2017-04-17 11:20:34] [@navaan]: it's not that big of a deal
16[2017-04-17 11:20:37] [chat member 1]: i can only talk stony?
16[2017-04-17 11:20:39] [chat member 1]: on this chat?
16[2017-04-17 11:20:46] [chat member 1]: this chat is basically my social life rn?!
16[2017-04-17 11:20:56] [laire|mob]: which really does not belong here but specifically during events.
19[2017-04-17 11:20:57] * [chat member 1] tries to breathe, fails
16[2017-04-17 11:21:29] [laire|mob]: [chat member 1] please breathe
16[2017-04-17 11:21:50] [chat member 1]: sorry i'm pathetic i know
16[2017-04-17 11:21:55] [chat member 1]: i should like, get an actual life
16[2017-04-17 11:22:03] [chat member 1]: and not flood a specific topic chat about a ship with my life bullshit
16[2017-04-17 11:22:20] [chat member 1]: LOOK WHAT I'M DOING
16[2017-04-17 11:22:21] [chat member 1]: fuck
16[2017-04-17 11:22:34] [chat member 4]: we can just make a hivemind chat as well, you know?
16[2017-04-17 11:22:37] [chat member 1]: i'll just shut up
16[2017-04-17 11:22:43] [dap|mobile]: [chat member 1] all they're saying is that during specific event related times we should stay more on topic
16[2017-04-17 11:22:53] [@navaan]: [chat member 1], really, you are not a problem
16[2017-04-17 11:22:55] [laire|mob]: [chat member 1], this is not aimed specifically at you.
19[2017-04-17 11:22:55] * [chat member 1] looks at chat title
16[2017-04-17 11:22:58] [dap|mobile]: Like claims
16[2017-04-17 11:22:59] [chat member 1]: it says "Reverse Bang Chat"
16[2017-04-17 11:23:26] [chat member 4]: i'm gonna leave for brunch now, food is ready
19[2017-04-17 11:23:30] * [chat member 3] hugs [chat member 1]
16[2017-04-17 11:23:34] [@navaan]: and OT talk will always be permitted, we just want new people to feel comfortable too
33[2017-04-17 11:23:43] -› [chat member 1] is now known as prince|food
16[2017-04-17 11:23:51] [chat member 1]: ...i felt comfortable when i was a new persone exactly because people talked about all kinds of stuff
16[2017-04-17 11:24:09] [chat member 1]: and i wasn't required to know all canons forwards and backwards
16[2017-04-17 11:24:20] [dap|mobile]: (Same actually)
16[2017-04-17 11:24:21] [laire|mob]: no one is required to know that
16[2017-04-17 11:24:25] [@navaan]: that is still not what is required
21[2017-04-17 11:24:30] [disco_pinecone]: y'all act like it sometimes, though, laire
21[2017-04-17 11:24:32] [disco_pinecone]: I've felt it too
19[2017-04-17 11:25:16] * [chat member 5] floofes [chat member 1]
21[2017-04-17 11:26:13] [disco_pinecone]: also, since we're on the topic, I'm fine with not talking about other pairings here, but it really makes me VERY uncomfortable when people come into the chat and shit all over other pairings that I like
21[2017-04-17 11:26:18] [disco_pinecone]: just to put that out there
16[2017-04-17 11:26:19] [laire|mob]: hint: I do not discuss doomtony when we have new people interested in our events on
16[2017-04-17 11:26:46] [laire|mob]: hint two: I do not tell people to keep on talking about something someone else expressed discomfort in
16[2017-04-17 11:27:06] [laire|mob]: hint three: #cap-im, it's in the name.
16[2017-04-17 11:27:30] [chat member 1]: ...can you laire please clarify for me
16[2017-04-17 11:27:46] [chat member 1]: is the problem here specifically "talking off-topic" or "talking other ships"?
21[2017-04-17 11:27:56] [disco_pinecone]: well, to be fair other ships are OT
16[2017-04-17 11:27:57] [chat member 1]: also ... are we still rn in "rbb chat" mode?
16[2017-04-17 11:28:11] [chat member 1]: because if we're going to be stricter in the future about being On Topic
21[2017-04-17 11:28:14] [disco_pinecone]: but I see what you mean there, [chat member 1]
16[2017-04-17 11:28:20] [chat member 1]: then i want to know when i can ... you know, talk freely :(
16[2017-04-17 11:28:25] [chat member 1]: and not feel like a bad person and a failure
16[2017-04-17 11:28:26] [laire|mob]: it's both, really, with more focus on the latter.
16[2017-04-17 11:28:35] [laire|mob]: you're not a bad person [chat member 1]
21[2017-04-17 11:28:35] [disco_pinecone]: I got the impression it was mostly during events
16[2017-04-17 11:29:11] [@navaan]: yes during events and mostly when you notice new people coming in
19[2017-04-17 11:29:11] * [chat member 1] repeatedly points at "Reverse Bang Chat" on top of her client window
16[2017-04-17 11:29:36] [chat member 1]: and if i like... talk about the woes of writing my thing
16[2017-04-17 11:29:37] [chat member 1]: on a meta level
16[2017-04-17 11:29:42] [chat member 1]: it's not really talking about stevetony
21[2017-04-17 11:29:48] [disco_pinecone]: can I request that we're a but more timely with adjusting the topic, then?
16[2017-04-17 11:29:51] [chat member 1]: it's talking about like "ugh writing is not going"
21[2017-04-17 11:29:54] [disco_pinecone]: so that everyone KNOWS
28[2017-04-17 11:30:03] -› laire|mob changes topic to: Everything Left Unsaid "I'm not half as good at--at anything as I am when I'm doing it next to you."
21[2017-04-17 11:30:07] [disco_pinecone]: last few events, the topic has stayed unchanged for days on end
16[2017-04-17 11:30:11] [[chat member 5]]: i'm sorry if i went too off topic when events happened. i'll pay attention to what i say. but i DO already try to talk to new people normally?
16[2017-04-17 11:30:23] [chat member 1]: yeah i'm sorry too
16[2017-04-17 11:30:27] [laire|mob]: see, the thing is topic is generally stevetony
21[2017-04-17 11:30:33] [disco_pinecone]: that's fine
16[2017-04-17 11:30:40] [chat member 1]: so sorry
16[2017-04-17 11:30:43] [chat member 1]: idk
16[2017-04-17 11:30:45] [chat member 1]: maybe i should be here less
16[2017-04-17 11:30:56] [laire|mob]: and honestly, I've been very uncomfortable here for weeks.
16[2017-04-17 11:30:59] [chat member 1]: i mean i never talk about other ships
16[2017-04-17 11:31:01] [chat member 1]: i have no other ships
21[2017-04-17 11:31:04] [disco_pinecone]: but we as a chat need a way to know -- esp me who doesn't check LJ or tumblr or imzy or whatever daily -- when events are on and when they are not
16[2017-04-17 11:31:05] [chat member 1]: i'm sorry laire :(
16[2017-04-17 11:31:14] [laire|mob]: and [chat member 1], I mean this in the nicest way possible, this really isn't about you.
16[2017-04-17 11:31:19] [laire|mob]: disco, this is a comm chat.
16[2017-04-17 11:31:33] [chat member 1]: so this IS about other ships
16[2017-04-17 11:31:33] [chat member 1]: check
33[2017-04-17 11:31:53] -› [chat member 1] is now known as [chat member 1]|afk
21[2017-04-17 11:31:56] [disco_pinecone]: wait laire why exactly have you been uncomfortable?
21[2017-04-17 11:32:14] [disco_pinecone]: also comm chat is great, that's fine, but I DO NOT CHECK THOSE THINGS DAILY
21[2017-04-17 11:32:23] [disco_pinecone]: that is simply not a thing I do
21[2017-04-17 11:33:16] [disco_pinecone]: partially because I operate under the assumption that important things -- like events -- will be noted in the topic
21[2017-04-17 11:33:23] [disco_pinecone]: as they have been previously
21[2017-04-17 11:33:38] [disco_pinecone]: because it is a comm chat
16[2017-04-17 11:34:38] [laire|mob]: cap-ironman comm chat, specifically
16[2017-04-17 11:34:40] [@navaan]: exactly it is a community chat
19[2017-04-17 11:35:23] * disco_pinecone throws hands up
21[2017-04-17 11:35:27] [disco_pinecone]: okay this is getting us nowhere
16[2017-04-17 11:35:32] [@navaan]: and we were sad that during RBB we had new people come in who have expressed that chat put them off a bit
21[2017-04-17 11:35:56] [disco_pinecone]: ...
16[2017-04-17 11:36:00] [@navaan]: so, just a little less OT talk during events
21[2017-04-17 11:36:03] [disco_pinecone]: what put them off, then?
16[2017-04-17 11:36:05] [@navaan]: that is all we are asking
16[2017-04-17 11:36:05] [laire|mob]: and i don't even know if i should start with politics discussion or other ships for reasons of uncomfortable
21[2017-04-17 11:36:20] [disco_pinecone]: ....
16[2017-04-17 11:36:30] [laire|mob]: are you even reading what we're saying.
21[2017-04-17 11:38:51] [disco_pinecone]: laire, honey, that's an insult to my intelligence and implies I'm not listening. you guys just said "hey, less OT during events pls" which is fine, and I can work with that. but this whole thing about you being uncomfortable here... that's just. WHY THE HELL DIDNT YOU SAY SOMETHING? and also that was forever ago, why is it still an issue?
21[2017-04-17 11:39:24] [disco_pinecone]: and also saying "hey less OT pls" is not the same as saying that new people were uncomfortable with the OT
21[2017-04-17 11:39:36] [disco_pinecone]: which only was said after we asked for clarification various times
16[2017-04-17 11:39:37] [[chat member 5]]: i'm honestly a bit confused too. of course i want new people to feel welcome here, because new people yay! I don't especially remember what claims chat was like, except for being excited about claims....... i don't even remember how off topic we were


25[2017-02-18 20:50:07] * laire (~laire@43.red-88-3-50.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) joins #cap-im
29[2017-02-18 20:50:07] * ChanServ sets mode: +o laire
33[2017-02-18 20:50:22] * laire|travel is now known as laire|mob
28[2017-02-18 20:50:35] * laire changes topic to: Reverse Bang claims party
16[2017-02-18 20:50:58] Oh right claims are today right?
16[2017-02-18 20:51:14] T-2:09
16[2017-02-18 20:51:17] !!!!!!!!!!
16[2017-02-18 20:51:21] :)
16[2017-02-18 20:51:22] <[chat member 5]|study> I WILL EXPLODE
16[2017-02-18 20:51:52] can I ask about reverse bang
16[2017-02-18 20:52:03] There are so many though provoking pitures
16[2017-02-18 20:52:07] sure
16[2017-02-18 20:52:18] <@laire> of course
16[2017-02-18 20:52:26] With this many fics, there might not be enough authors for just one each disco and , which is why there might be double claims :)
16[2017-02-18 20:52:26] And there is even a mod here
16[2017-02-18 20:52:27] uhm so....when it comes to the fic part of it, does the artist need to know what they want written? or like, is it more like a collab process between the artist & writer for what to create? or is it the writer who has an idea and writes about it?
16[2017-02-18 20:52:31] <@laire> but i'll be off for a quick shower in a sec
16[2017-02-18 20:52:32] <@laire> two mods!
16[2017-02-18 20:52:35] <@laire> nope
16[2017-02-18 20:52:36] two mods!
16[2017-02-18 20:52:43] <@laire> it's collab
16[2017-02-18 20:52:45] <@laire> well
16[2017-02-18 20:52:50] <@laire> it's what you want it to be
16[2017-02-18 20:52:58] Ideal it is a collab
21[2017-02-18 20:52:59] , darling, as a writer I can tell you, it's easiest for us if the artist has either no idea or a general one
16[2017-02-18 20:53:02] <@laire> you'll talk to your writer and figure out what you want
21[2017-02-18 20:53:12] a specific plan is tough to work with
16[2017-02-18 20:53:20] <@laire> disco that depends on a person
16[2017-02-18 20:53:20] there are different levels of involvement
16[2017-02-18 20:53:30] specific scenes arent' bad
16[2017-02-18 20:53:32] <@laire> i prefer general but someone might like details.
16[2017-02-18 20:53:47] <[chat member 1]|mob> it really depends
21[2017-02-18 20:54:03] everyone I've talked to so far has wanted general or none? idk :P
16[2017-02-18 20:54:06] <[chat member 1]|mob> sometimes there's like, no communication :P
16[2017-02-18 20:54:11] <[chat member 1]|mob> i fimd tha
16[2017-02-18 20:54:15] that's sad
16[2017-02-18 20:54:17] <[chat member 1]|mob> t not ideal
16[2017-02-18 20:54:20] when that happens
21[2017-02-18 20:54:21] oh lord, right. that drives me bonkers
16[2017-02-18 20:55:10] but, I know there are other times when the artist and writer work really close on the story
16[2017-02-18 20:55:18] yeah, it varies
16[2017-02-18 20:55:29] but there is also like the artist is a story beta
21[2017-02-18 20:55:30] yeah, I've had one or two artists that did
21[2017-02-18 20:55:34] and they were lovely
16[2017-02-18 20:55:36] I think it also depends on if the artist is willing to create more art/ how fiished the art is?
16[2017-02-18 20:55:43] <[chat member 1]|mob> some day i'd like to experience that...
16[2017-02-18 20:55:48] true
16[2017-02-18 20:55:53] <@laire> well you won't if you don't take part now [chat member 1]
16[2017-02-18 20:56:03] oooohhh okay that sounds good! :')
16[2017-02-18 20:56:14] and yes, I beta mine (or offer to, some writers don't like involvement either) which I find is a great way to stay more in teh swing :)
16[2017-02-18 20:56:15] <@laire> i can tell you you're a delight to work with
16[2017-02-18 20:56:16] <[chat member 1]|mob> but maybe i'll just do my personal dino au bang with :P
16[2017-02-18 20:56:17] <@laire> don't worry
16[2017-02-18 20:56:44] <@laire> and now i ordered food and i'm going to sprint shower before it arrives
16[2017-02-18 20:56:52] gogogo!
16[2017-02-18 20:56:57] <[chat member 1]|mob> okay
16[2017-02-18 20:57:15] Just remember that most people are just a s nerveous or hesitant at the start when communicating
19[2017-02-18 20:57:15] * disco_pinecone watches silly videos and tries not to think
16[2017-02-18 20:58:06] awww laire <3
16[2017-02-18 20:58:24] <[chat member 5]|study> [chat member 1] <3
16[2017-02-18 20:58:36] yeah okay that sounds cool! hopefully it turns out well haha. I really enjoy big bangs because I love being able to read fics as they're being created and/or edited
16[2017-02-18 20:58:43] <[chat member 5]|study> last time i both had too much of a plot already, and too little XD
25[2017-02-18 20:59:03] * (~189695a7@d24-150-149-167.home.cgocable.net) joins #cap-im
16[2017-02-18 20:59:24] lol
16[2017-02-18 20:59:48] <[chat member 1]|mob> how can it be both :D
16[2017-02-18 21:00:22] (lol sorry guys i'm trying to test something because the chat seems to be a bit funky with the irc I'm using?? )
16[2017-02-18 21:00:26] yes, I mean, as someone on the art side of things because for the RBB I was the one being claimed I responded first, but some artists might be a bit nervous so if the author does it, that is great too. If you haven't heard from them in the 24 hours after claims (because you have to allow for timezones) then you can always flick the mods a message a
16[2017-02-18 21:00:26] nd we'll try to get in touch on your behalf :)
16[2017-02-18 21:00:36] I totally get how it canb e both
27[2017-02-18 21:00:55] * (~qwebirc@d24-150-149-167.home.cgocable.net) has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
16[2017-02-18 21:01:03] basically you are in that middle ground of too much or not enough for what the writer works with comfortably
16[2017-02-18 21:01:05] (okay hopefully this irc works better)
21[2017-02-18 21:01:19] hopefully
16[2017-02-18 21:01:58] wow all your thoughts are all super insightful, thanks :)
16[2017-02-18 21:02:11] <[chat member 5]|study> i did two rbbs last time, [chat member 1]
16[2017-02-18 21:03:03] <[chat member 5]|study> , also possible but in this case it was just one with too much plot and one with too little
16[2017-02-18 21:03:30] <[chat member 5]|study> this year i tried something where i have some ideas but not a real plot, and also have some different ideas
16[2017-02-18 21:06:34] Ooohh , so like you have some ideas for your work, so like suggestions for what to create almost?
21[2017-02-18 21:08:37] uuuuuuuugh the downside of forcing my sleep cycle to shift is that I want to sleep now
16[2017-02-18 21:10:03] <[chat member 5]|study> yeah, for this just some vague stuff
16[2017-02-18 21:10:27] which irc client you using
16[2017-02-18 21:10:37] <[chat member 5]|study> i'll do cap rbb too, and have a few different ideas, that each work for themselves, like, diffeernt interpretations
16[2017-02-18 21:11:30] uhhh i was using dal first and now i'm using kiwiirc? any you recommend? :P
16[2017-02-18 21:11:35] but I can see why as a writer it can work multiple ways
16[2017-02-18 21:11:47] it could be you see the art and have a great story idea to go with it
21[2017-02-18 21:11:50] I like adiIRC
16[2017-02-18 21:12:14] or it could be you see the art and I like wow I love the idea the artist has I want to write it
21[2017-02-18 21:12:15] as far as rbb, what I like best is to have context or genre to work with, rather than plot? the picture serves as the actual prompt
16[2017-02-18 21:12:36] ahh web clients
16[2017-02-18 21:12:57] <[chat member 1]|mob> one thing i was just thinking tho is, for arts that have some specific movie or some such inspiration
16[2017-02-18 21:12:57] <@laire> back
21[2017-02-18 21:13:02] wb laire
16[2017-02-18 21:13:03] <[chat member 1]|mob> i wish they said it
16[2017-02-18 21:13:15] if you are going to be on here a lot and the web clients are being finiky and you have a set device you connect with you can get a stand alone client
16[2017-02-18 21:13:44] <[chat member 1]|mob> bc if you miss it and the artist was strongly thinking of something specific that's a bit meh
16[2017-02-18 21:13:46] <@laire> wait no
16[2017-02-18 21:13:51] well the thing with that [chat member 1] is again sometimes the artist is perfectly happy if the writer isnt' familiar and want to go another way
16[2017-02-18 21:13:56] <@laire>
16[2017-02-18 21:14:01] <@laire> we give people a week to get in touch
16[2017-02-18 21:14:02] I have an idea for one piece but I'm not sure if I'm going to try for it yet. Do artist usually have set idea for what they want?
21[2017-02-18 21:14:07] that's where the collab aspect comes into play
16[2017-02-18 21:14:17] *nods*
16[2017-02-18 21:14:24] <[chat member 1]|mob> that varies a lot
16[2017-02-18 21:14:36] <[chat member 1]|mob> how set people are in their ideas
16[2017-02-18 21:14:40] Some times they just have world building
16[2017-02-18 21:14:50] yea the person can effect things
16[2017-02-18 21:14:52] I'd really hate to dissapoint someone
16[2017-02-18 21:14:57] <[chat member 1]|mob> but i would like to know still
16[2017-02-18 21:15:28] Well that is why you communicate
16[2017-02-18 21:15:42] lol true , that's the answer to everything :P
21[2017-02-18 21:15:52] the way I see it, if they don't talk to me I'll do what I want
19[2017-02-18 21:15:56] * disco_pinecone shrugs
16[2017-02-18 21:16:02] <[chat member 1]|mob> *i would like to know before cla,img?
16[2017-02-18 21:16:17] <[chat member 1]|mob> idk i just see it as being an almost embarrassing situation
27[2017-02-18 21:16:19] * (~yaaic@x52717926.dyn.telefonica.de) has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
21[2017-02-18 21:16:21] well, they do specify verses?
21[2017-02-18 21:16:25] isn't that enough?
16[2017-02-18 21:16:25] hrnn
16[2017-02-18 21:16:38] well give it as a suggestion to the mods for next year
16[2017-02-18 21:16:51] <[chat member 1]|mob> if the artist is like "yeah obviously this is from movie x" and i haven't even heard of it :P
16[2017-02-18 21:16:53] they do specify verses
16[2017-02-18 21:17:00] okay yeah that's really frustrating [chat member 1] :(
16[2017-02-18 21:17:00] lol
16[2017-02-18 21:17:05] <[chat member 1]|mob> yes but not all specify aus
16[2017-02-18 21:17:10] <[chat member 1]|mob> eh
16[2017-02-18 21:17:35] <[chat member 1]|mob> not likely to be a problem for ,e anyway, just thinking alous :P
16[2017-02-18 21:17:48] <[chat member 1]|mob> argh typing sorry for billion typos
16[2017-02-18 21:17:51] I guess if they don't specify they're accepting that the author might not know and happy with that
19[2017-02-18 21:17:53] * disco_pinecone pats
16[2017-02-18 21:17:54] heh
16[2017-02-18 21:18:55] Okay I got to get this beep changed it hurts my head ache
21[2017-02-18 21:19:03] go for it
16[2017-02-18 21:19:13] anyone have any good notification wavs I could get or know where to look
21[2017-02-18 21:19:24] hm, not really?
21[2017-02-18 21:19:40] I have a few but they're all kind of dumb
16[2017-02-18 21:19:48] I'm going to turn the sounds off on mirc then for awhile
21[2017-02-18 21:19:50] not suited to this
16[2017-02-18 21:19:53] <[chat member 1]|mob> no clue, i never use any sound
16[2017-02-18 21:21:11] okay hopefully that will work
16[2017-02-18 21:22:11] <@laire> oh
16[2017-02-18 21:22:14] <@laire> , I have one
16[2017-02-18 21:22:19] <@laire> gimme a moment
16[2017-02-18 21:24:12] <@laire> if they want a specific au, they specify it :P
16[2017-02-18 21:24:14] <@laire> aka toy story
16[2017-02-18 21:24:18] <@laire> also FOOD ARRIVED
16[2017-02-18 21:24:21] <@laire> but where is my notif file
19[2017-02-18 21:24:44] * disco_pinecone ate it
16[2017-02-18 21:24:52] the default for win 10 is the really anooyingchime that resonates with my head
16[2017-02-18 21:25:25] omg FOOD
16[2017-02-18 21:25:32] <@laire> , I sent it to your yahoo email
16[2017-02-18 21:25:41] thanks
16[2017-02-18 21:25:57] <@laire> it's very short kinda knock-like sound
27[2017-02-18 21:26:29] * (~67f22521@ has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
25[2017-02-18 21:27:24] * (~67f22521@ joins #cap-im
16[2017-02-18 21:28:26] sounds good
33[2017-02-18 21:30:02] * is now known as
19[2017-02-18 21:31:05] * disco_pinecone is falling asleep sdjfhkjshdljgh
19[2017-02-18 21:31:47] * waves
16[2017-02-18 21:32:19] awww disco ;____; sleep soon??
21[2017-02-18 21:32:24] but claims
16[2017-02-18 21:32:41] oh that is great liare
16[2017-02-18 21:32:53] okay fair xD
19[2017-02-18 21:32:59] * @laire is also falling asleep BUT MODDING
16[2017-02-18 21:33:00] <@laire> hi
16[2017-02-18 21:33:02] what time is it there?
16[2017-02-18 21:33:02] <@laire> i'm glad
16[2017-02-18 21:33:07] <@laire> i'll go eat my food now
16[2017-02-18 21:33:09] < hihi
21[2017-02-18 21:33:11] currently 2133
16[2017-02-18 21:33:11] hi 1!
21[2017-02-18 21:33:16] hi
16[2017-02-18 21:33:26] oh wow yeah, that's pretty late
21[2017-02-18 21:33:34] an hour and a half left
16[2017-02-18 21:33:49] < i am here to claim! for me and laire! in an hour and a half
16[2017-02-18 21:34:20] \0/
16[2017-02-18 21:34:41] <@laire> yesss
19[2017-02-18 21:34:48] * @laire hands her fighting sword
21[2017-02-18 21:35:05] I might have to ask someone to claim for me, at this rate
16[2017-02-18 21:35:11] < thank you! i will stab all challengers
21[2017-02-18 21:35:15] hee'
21[2017-02-18 21:35:21] I request video
16[2017-02-18 21:35:26] I hope everyone mannages to get what they want :)
16[2017-02-18 21:35:52] <[chat member 5]|study> SOOOON
33[2017-02-18 21:35:56] * laire is now known as laire|food
16[2017-02-18 21:36:22] <@laire|food> (i am just happy my flight didn't have 5 hours delay, really, that would've been fun.)
21[2017-02-18 21:36:29] D:
21[2017-02-18 21:36:34] that would... wow
21[2017-02-18 21:36:39] that would be a looooong day
25[2017-02-18 21:36:48] * (~6cea1529@108-234-21-41.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) joins #cap-im
21[2017-02-18 21:37:00] hi there
16[2017-02-18 21:37:18] hello !!!
16[2017-02-18 21:37:30] <[chat member 5]|study> hi
25[2017-02-18 21:37:53] * chatbot (~ae7188f8@CPE00fc8d421bd3-CM00fc8d421bd0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joins #cap-im
16[2017-02-18 21:37:55] hi new people!!
16[2017-02-18 21:37:58] < Hi! So an hour or so to countdown, right?
21[2017-02-18 21:37:58] hi chatbot
16[2017-02-18 21:38:04] hi hi
21[2017-02-18 21:38:06] hour and 20
16[2017-02-18 21:38:08] hi!
16[2017-02-18 21:38:12] <@laire|food> hi all!
16[2017-02-18 21:38:19] <@laire|food> yes almost there :D
16[2017-02-18 21:38:19] <[chat member 5]|study> hi chatbot
16[2017-02-18 21:38:28] <[chat member 5]|study> UGH I NEED TO FINISH BEFORE CLAIMS
16[2017-02-18 21:38:33] <@laire|food> YES
21[2017-02-18 21:38:34] DO THE THING
16[2017-02-18 21:38:34] <@laire|food> GO STUDY
19[2017-02-18 21:38:38] * @laire|food waves pompoms
16[2017-02-18 21:38:44] YOU CAN DO IT !
16[2017-02-18 21:38:49] <@laire|food> ... i should finish editing my remix, but right now noodles are happening :P
16[2017-02-18 21:39:13] <[chat member 5]|study> (omg chat is so full :D i am excite!)
16[2017-02-18 21:39:22] you can do it !
18[2017-02-18 21:39:38] disco_pinecone I could claim for you? Pretty sure I can do it since I'm not modding the first shift, right laire ? it will be 11am for me, so :D
16[2017-02-18 21:39:38] -channels studying energy into you-
16[2017-02-18 21:39:58] < Eh, procrastination is the curse we all share.
16[2017-02-18 21:40:14] <@laire|food> yes . basically i am the only person who can't claim because i am hitting the big red button of de----i mean opening them.
19[2017-02-18 21:40:29] * disco_pinecone eyes laire
19[2017-02-18 21:40:43] * @laire|food looks innocent
21[2017-02-18 21:41:00] thanks , if I lose the ability to stare at my screen and hit refresh, I'll fling you a copy of my list
19[2017-02-18 21:41:10] * @laire|food cackles at the thought of hitting the button
21[2017-02-18 21:41:16] laaaaaaaaire
16[2017-02-18 21:41:21] <@laire|food> it's my first time opening the claims!
16[2017-02-18 21:41:34] < THE POWER!!!
16[2017-02-18 21:41:43] <@laire|food> THE RESPONSIBILITY
21[2017-02-18 21:41:49] hah
16[2017-02-18 21:41:58] pfft
16[2017-02-18 21:42:47] < Just to be clear, will there be a new post that we respond to, or do we comment on the preview page?
16[2017-02-18 21:43:06] okay my brain doesnt' work enough to fix this now
21[2017-02-18 21:43:23] previews post will be edited and opened for comment, I believe
16[2017-02-18 21:43:23] I'll fix it later thanks for the sound LAire it is perfect
16[2017-02-18 21:43:53] <@laire|food> happy to help
16[2017-02-18 21:44:00] <@laire|food> , comment on the preview page
16[2017-02-18 21:44:09] < Nice!
16[2017-02-18 21:44:30] <@laire|food> claims opening = enabling comments on the post
16[2017-02-18 21:45:36] < That makes sense. I was afraid I was missing something obvious.
16[2017-02-18 21:45:59] hehe, don't worry :D
16[2017-02-18 21:46:09] we link on the claims are open post as well, anyhow
16[2017-02-18 21:46:14] and the 10 minute warning
16[2017-02-18 21:48:30] whoa
21[2017-02-18 21:48:34] ?
16[2017-02-18 21:48:41] you are 4 minutes faster than my puter
16[2017-02-18 21:48:45] should be interesting
16[2017-02-18 21:49:09] wait no
16[2017-02-18 21:49:12] I read that wrong
16[2017-02-18 21:49:14] don't mind me
16[2017-02-18 21:49:30] I thought was anouncing ten minute warning...
27[2017-02-18 21:51:14] * (~bcdd0216@bcdd0216.skybroadband.com) has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
16[2017-02-18 21:51:45] <@laire|food> oh no, still lots of time
16[2017-02-18 21:52:02] hehe, don't worry ! And it's the tumblr-time, so hopefully internet synced!
25[2017-02-18 21:53:08] * (~_@p4FDCFED5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joins #cap-im
16[2017-02-18 21:53:14] o/
21[2017-02-18 21:53:20] hi
16[2017-02-18 21:53:44] <== back from local anime convention
16[2017-02-18 21:54:09] <[chat member 5]|study> hi
16[2017-02-18 21:54:12] <[chat member 5]|study> ooooooh cool
16[2017-02-18 21:54:13] Hi ! How was the anime con???
16[2017-02-18 21:54:24] <[chat member 5]|study> you're right on time for claims freakout :D
16[2017-02-18 21:54:39] good! about 400-500 ppl in a school building
16[2017-02-18 21:54:50] spent most of the time drawing
16[2017-02-18 21:55:06] and talking to some ppl who were marvel nerds like me
16[2017-02-18 21:56:23] and finally met sb who ships everything relating to bucky :D
16[2017-02-18 21:56:38] n i c e ;o that sounds like tons of fun!!!
16[2017-02-18 21:57:11] <[chat member 5]|study> :DD
16[2017-02-18 21:57:15] i really got into these heavy, life altering conversations :)
16[2017-02-18 21:57:34] "should bucky rather love steve or natasha or loki?"
19[2017-02-18 21:57:54] * @laire|food mutters 'stevetony chat'
16[2017-02-18 21:58:09] lol laire -pets-
19[2017-02-18 21:58:14] * disco_pinecone eyes laire
16[2017-02-18 21:58:16] <[chat member 5]|study> lol, :D
21[2017-02-18 21:58:20] we talk about any and everything
16[2017-02-18 21:58:22] tbf, stony was also shipped :)
16[2017-02-18 21:58:31] < represent
16[2017-02-18 21:58:47] <[chat member 5]|study> by now i also hang out in the cap rbb chat, which is for all ships or gen, and that feels like that too XD
16[2017-02-18 21:59:34] the talk was mcu focused, so i also introduced them to the 616 versions of all chars
16[2017-02-18 22:00:10] ....
16[2017-02-18 22:00:16] why is Tony not on that list????
21[2017-02-18 22:00:23] lol
16[2017-02-18 22:00:38] hahaha
16[2017-02-18 22:01:05] :)
16[2017-02-18 22:01:19] sounds like you had a good time!
16[2017-02-18 22:01:28] yesssssss :)))
16[2017-02-18 22:03:34] tbf, our talk did include tony at one particular point
16[2017-02-18 22:03:49] hammer pulling scene in cap3
16[2017-02-18 22:04:16] "so why did steve at least budge the hammer, and tony did nothing ?"
25[2017-02-18 22:05:47] * |pc2 (~67f22521@ joins #cap-im
16[2017-02-18 22:07:37] hah. and the conclusion?
16[2017-02-18 22:08:42] steve was worthier :)
16[2017-02-18 22:08:46] (bc he actually helped bbbuuuuuccckkkyyy)
16[2017-02-18 22:08:49] Because people head canopn Steve and the hammer
16[2017-02-18 22:08:55] ;DD
16[2017-02-18 22:09:07] so having steve do it for the fun part makes more ense
16[2017-02-18 22:09:25] wait
16[2017-02-18 22:09:27] I'm lost
16[2017-02-18 22:09:33] Sorry I should just shut up
16[2017-02-18 22:09:34] D: Bucky killed Tony's parents though. And he was willing to reason at one point!
21[2017-02-18 22:09:36] back a bit later chat
16[2017-02-18 22:09:46] <|pc2> ttfn
16[2017-02-18 22:09:46] my headache isseverally effecting my reading comprehension

chat wank, #cap

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