Return To Innocence With Andy Jonas

May 05, 2012 15:46

интервью немецкого певца
Энди Джонаса (Andy Jonas)
нашему сообществу
(на английском).


?: When did you start
singing and being involved
with the music-scene?

Andy: When i was 22,
i worked as a dj
in a club called

There i met a producer,
brought me in the studio
and let me sing...

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?: Rumour has it that
there are 2 versions of your meeting
Michael Cretu:

one says you met
him via his "right hand"
Jens Gad
and the other -
he met you in the karaoke
and afterwards offered to co-operate with him.

Which version is right?
And if none,
can you, please, describe your own?

Andy: No, Michael and me
searched for a new co-producer
and I asked Jens to get into the project
"Angel X".
So, everything started also
for Jens with Michael.

?: In Russia
you ARE very remembered and loved
either for your iconic
"Return To Innocence"
or backing vocals on Sandra's albums.

How did it all happen
and begin?
How did
Michael Cretu
offer you to sing backing vocals to

Andy: Frank Peterson,
his former partner,
dicovered me when he talked to the guys
i met in the "Domizil"
(question 1).

In that time around ('89?)
they asked me to do the backings
and i did say

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?: I've always loved your voice
on Sandra's albums
but at that time
i really had no idea
who was singing that.

How did the recording process go?
Did you all together gather in the studio to work?
Or you recorded your solo-parts separately?
Was the right tone found immediately
or it took some time?

Andy: Yes,
it was recorded seperatly in the studio
and it didn`t took a very long time...
maybe 2 days all in all?

You arrive in the studio
and yes -
first there are rehearsals:
then later you start to sing.

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?: Have you met
in person while recording
backing vocals for her albums?

Andy: We recorded the backings in
And yes,
she was also there,
but not inside the singing room,
if you mean that.

?: Do you remember your first meeting?
What was/is your feeling about her,
about her music - now and then?

Andy: I personally like
The first time we met
was in a restaurant in Munich.

I'm not so into the new songs,
also if i wrote
"I Close My Eyes".

I like some of the older songs, like
"One More Night".

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?: Were there many people
in the studio or you and Michael only?
Did you stay at their place
when visiting Ibiza for recording-sessions?

Andy: Yes,
I stayed there in Ibiza.
In that time
we recorded The Vox
i stayed in the house of
Frank Peterson.

i was the guest of Michael
and stayed close to the studio
in a guest appartment.

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?: How was the solo-album idea born?
As for me,
i find it just brilliant
and back in 1993
i listened to it non-stop.

As i heard,
in Germany
it didn't enter the charts.
Was it because of a poor promotion?
Why wasn't even a single video made?

Some people are inclined to think
it is too depressive and dark...
Though i am not among them.

Andy: The single entered the charts.
I was satisfied with some songs...
but my new material is 100 times stronger.

?: On the
"Welcome To The Soul Asylum"-album cover
you stand long-haired, bare-chested with a mythical sword...
What concept did that album have?

Andy: What do you mean with concept?

?: How did you come up with the
Angel X-name?

Andy: "Angel" was Michael's idea,
my idea was to add "X"

(Michael Cretu
at his magic studio)

?: Was
Michael Cretu
hard to work with?
I heard,
he is quite exacting
and dictatorial at work...

Did you have any fights or conflicts
while making the album?
What is your most favourite track on it?

Andy: No,
Michael was great to work with,
I still like him a lot... we had a great time...

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?: After release in 1993
the album didn't do well in charts.
Then in 1994
Michael still decides
to co-operate with you on what then became
one of the biggest Enigma';s hits all over the planet ever -
"Return To Innocence".
Do you remember
how it was recorded?

Andy: Yes,
the recording did not take very long.
Perhaps, one hour?

?: Can you tell us, please,
every little detail
from how you got the news you would be invollved
and upto how you worked in the studio?

Andy: Michael invited me to Ibiza
to sing the song and i came.
I did not know it will be the single,
i just sang...

(Despite an enormous interest of the Spanish media,
just a very few people
had access to a Michael Cretu's villa in Ibiza)

?: Did you have any idea
you were doing something real genius
and outstanding?

Andy: No, to be honest

?: Did
"Return To Innocence"
make you a millionaire?

Andy: No

?: How did you meet the news
the song became extremely famous?

Andy: From Michael, media,
like radio...

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?: Wasn't it kind of offensive
and unfair for a young
- definitely ambitious -
singer that although everybody knows your voice,
just a few know your name and face?

Didn't you feel sometimes
like shouting
"Hey, people!
It's me singing in that song!"?

Andy: Good question,
but no - it was like it was
long time ago...

?: After a huge success with
"Return To Innocence"
why didn't you continue working with Michael
on other Enigma's songs?

Andy: You should ask Michael that...

(People behind

?: Is there something un-released
from those sessions?

Andy: No,
i dont think.

?: Was it you or him who decided so?
Have you remained friends (or buddies)
with Michael?

Andy: I met Michael some months ago,
it was nice!

?: Were you aware of the scandal with
"Return To Innocence"
when Taiwanese singers sued Michael?
What was your reaction on that?

Andy: I have not heard about that

?: What were you upto afterwards music-
and personal-wise?
Have you ever suffered depression? Or been starstruck?

Andy: No:-)
I recorded different albums
as a producer and songwriter
7 times gold and platinum for

produced myself with
acts like "no means yes", "afterworkmeditaton"
and so on.
it was good...

?: What's the temptation
you wish you could resist?

Andy: Going on a stage?

?: What's the book
that holds an everlasting resonance in you?

Andy: "Autobiografie Of A Yogi"

?: What would you do
if you were the Invisible Man for a day
(or for a night)?

Andy: I think i wouldn`t be indescreet...
don`t know... perhaps, go in the cabin of
and listen what
Anatoliy Tymoshchuk

?: Is (was) there any person
the life of whom you would gladly trade places?

Andy: No,
i think only less people wanna do that...or?

?: What film can you watch
time and time again?

Andy: "American Beauty"

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?: What's the happiest moment
you will cherish forever?

Andy: I think this moment is forthcmoing...
in the future

?: What's the saddest time
that shook your world?

Andy: Always meeting ignorant, arrogant people

?: What's the unfulfilled ambition
that continues to haunt you?

Andy: To have a real success
with a new solo album

?: What's the way
you want to be remembered?

Andy: A smart guy with a good talent

?: If you had a chance
to travel by the Time Machine -
what century, historical event
or age of your life
would you choose to travel to?
And why?

Andy: To a planet
where the evolution is already
in year 3000?

?: You have mentioned
at the moment you are in Finland
working on a new project...
Could you, please,
reveal us what is that?

Will it be interesting
for the Russian market too, maybe?

Andy: Yes,
i definatley could be but sorry,
that's top secret right now....

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?: Just today suddenly
came across your wonderful
"Summer In Your Heart"-song
(though it was released in 1996).
And it is amazing!
I played it like 10 times non-stop.
Who wrote and produced that?

Andy: Yes, i did

?: Don't you think
there could be some kind of a mess
with your stage and real names -
Angel X, Andy Jonas, Andreas Harde?

Why so many?
New - for each project?

Andy: Yes, right,
in the future there will be no
Angel X, Andreas Harde
anymore as artistnames.
I think only
Andy Jonas

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?: You have mentioned,
you are recording a new album.
Can you, please,
pour some light into what it will be like -
what genre, is it your solo-work
or with your band?
When is it to be released? Any title already?

Andy: Yes,
we are recording and are working
on that right now.
I am not allowed
to tell any details now
but those news and details
will come - be sure.

?: With your band
you performed at the
"Countdown Grand Prix Eurovision 2001".
If i'm not mistaken,
you ended up being # 4. Were you upset?

Andy: Yes, a bit upset...
but number 4 is not bad
and 33 million pepole saw it...

?: Never participated in
"Eurovision Contests" eversince?

Andy: All in all 2 times

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?: Why don't we hear much
of your music?

Andy: I was ill for a long time

?: As far as i know,
you're married.
When and how did you meet your wife?

Andy: I met her at a barbecue
and in the university again some years alter...

?: What does she do?

Andy: Teacher

?: Is she staying in Germany
while you're in Finland?

Andy: Let's see..

?: Do you have children?

Andy: One son

?: Have you ever been
or toured in Russia?

Andy: No

?: If no,
you are MOST welcome, Andy!

Andy: Yes!!

?: I am sure,
people would LOVE to finally see you
and hear your magnetic, unforgettable
and addictive voice!
If such proposals had come,
would you have agreed to perform in Russia?

Andy: Yes, i would

?: I am sure,
these days will come soon - hehehe!

Andy: I hope so..:-)

?: Is it easier
to promote and distribute music now
- with all these technique-developments -
than 20 years ago?

Andy: As you know,
people copy a lot of music
and the industry sells less and less records.

For a good promition
you need motivated guys like you
(are you?:-)
and private investors.

Guys like
Roman Abramowitch.
It's getting more and more involved
like in football.

By the way:
music undustry and football
have a lot in common
and i'm a big football fan.

?: Thank you,
dear Andy,
for your time, attention and support.

I do really hope answering the questions
was for you as much fun as for me -
writing them.

Andy: Yes,
that was great
and you are DEFINATLEY welcome:-)

?: All the best wishes
to your family!

Andy: Thanx

?: Stay happy and keep smiling!

Andy: I will

?: And please,
please us with your wonderful talent,
your music and your voice!

Andy: Thank you again!

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enigma, sandra, andy jonas, michael cretu, angel x

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