Questions about Jack . . .

Apr 01, 2011 08:23

So, I'm a bit worried about Jack. I know that his history presents problems for developmental delays (he was 3 months old when the adoption center took him into custody, and 8.5 months old when I adopted him. I think that he and his family were homeless on the streets of Baltimore before that. I have no records about his family, but I suspect that Jack was not an only child, and that his mom was under 20 when she had him).

He also has a history of abuse. He tended to play rough with his friend, Willie, at the shelter, and he was physically and sexually abused by his older foster brother. He has a disconcerting habit of removing any and all clothing put on him.

Now he's over two years old, and seems very happy, but he isn't hitting all of his developmental milestones.

In some ways he is doing very well. He was already eating solid food, out of diapers, walking and running when he came home. Physically, he's very agile, always climbing on to things and knocking them over like any "terrible" two-year-old. He's curious, always trying to figure out what new sounds, smells, and objects are. He is very affectionate, always cuddling with me, and willing to play with anyone (though large groups of strangers overwhelm him)

However, he has a lot of difficulty with language. He makes baby noises, but hasn't learned any words. He seems to understand my tone of voice, but doesn't understand what I'm saying. He is still working on object-permanence. He sleeps a great deal and at very random hours of the day and night.

Currently he stays home with me all day. Since I work from home and have experience in education, I didn't see any reason to put him in day care. I also planned to home school him for his special needs. I'm wondering if he needs more help than I can give him by myself. Maybe I should look into special enrichment.

ETA: I am not the only ass that posts things like this:
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