I actually found this website a year or two ago, but it came up again today and has been greatly expanded.
http://www.superdickery.com Turns out that Superman has a history of being a . . . let's just say not nice person. Features plenty of covers and panels of Superman being a jerk and other random comics things.
Greatest example of Superman being a jerk:
http://www.superdickery.com/dick/6.html"3.) Letting Bruce Wayne know that his parents are going to be gunned down in front of his very eyes in a filthy alley, you dick!"
Greatest Bat-gadget ever:
http://www.superdickery.com/stupor/74.htmlHow much for a can of Bat-Female-Villian-Repellant?
Plenty of other stuff, a bit of it is suggestive, so be warned.