Apr 19, 2005 21:09
I would like, if I may, to discuss a difficult topic that may evoke anger, that is if any of you were empassioned enough to speek up with opinions. Today's topic is depression and medication. My personal opinion is that Americans are overmedicated and spoiled. Well over half the americans on depression medication are miss-diagnosed or have forced doctors into prescribing something. The latter is for more the case with children on ridelen. Parents are so desperate to blaime other people for anything involving their kids. American children of this day and age are being raised by television, day-cares, and older siblings, this leads to children who are undisciplined, uncooperative, and with a false sense of maturity. The parents, who have had no part in the raising of the kids, then meet them one day and decide that the way they’re acting is directly the fault of a mental illness. They then take the kid to the doctor and tell the doctor about the definite mental issues the child is dealing with and tell the doctor to give them a prescription for an anti-depressant. These kids and their peers then become maladjusted teens who blame their parents for everything. But one must account for the thousands of teens that simply want attention, some only “talk big” but don’t follow through but some will go to the lengths of actually hurting themselves or others severely. The teens that succeed in getting in getting the attention they crave will continue this ploy on into adulthood. Mothers who break their children’s limbs for sympathy and people that sue a company that fires them for discrimination of the mentally unstable are extreme examples. I have a problem with most lawsuits but that’s a different issue. Please write back with your opinions about mental health and mental health medication I would love to discuss this with anyone that cares.