One-Day LJ Content Strike
For one day, Friday, March 21, make no posts. Make no comments. Let there be NO new content added to LJ.
SUP obviously does not realize that Basic users have given something of value to them, that it is content that drives the site.
So, for one 24-hour period, from midnight GMT to midnight GMT*, let's see how many people we can get to pledge to contribute NO CONTENT.
This will create a permanent downward spike in the daily-posts statistics, a permanent reminder of the power of the userbase.
Want to protest against LJ
censoring the interest pages and
removing the Basic account level?
Join the strike! (And repost this to your own journal.) Everything's explained at
beckyzoole 's LJ, but basically: on Friday, March 21st, we will not be posting or commenting for 24 hours.
are also VERY worrying.