I hate to have to do this again, but the holidays have rolled around again so I'm gonna have to call another hiatus BECAUSE:
1) I have a six-page paper due by midnight that I HAVE NOT STARTED YET. /fails forever
2) I am going home tomorrow for Winter Break so I've got a bajillion things do do before I leave, such as: all my laundry, cleaning up after my sloppy self, packing, etc.
3) Upon REACHING my wonderful home in the middle of nowhere, I will no longer be on the awesome that is my DELL and school internetz (as some of you may remember), but rather the horror that is AOL and dial-up, combined with a 10-year-old Compaq that doesn't even have Firefox. Thus, given that I have a couple other characters elsewhere, it will be damn near impossible to do the ever-so-fun journal-switcheroo-thing so I'll be tagging less.
4) Not only will I be on crap internet and a suck-ass computer, but I will also be spending the time I usually waste on the itnernetz doing joyous things such as hanging out with family and friends.
This effects Livio (
not_a_crybaby) and Bardock (
So basically, from now until early January, consider me much scarcer than I have been. I'll still try to post and tag, but it's possible I might not get in the quota so...there you go. @_@
Anyways, PEACE AND OUT, Discedo! ILU ALL!
/rushes off to write paper