Hello Discedo. I'm Squiggles, bringing in Ace Attorney's Phoenix Wright...! who, despite the name of the game, is no longer an attorney. ): For anybody familiar with the canon, he is from after the end of Turnabout Succession. (which in other words just means he's from post-canon)
I've written a ton of intros but I never know what to say... I'm not a very interesting person ))):
However I have heard some sweet things about this game and I hope we get along! I can be reached at any of the places listed on
his journal and I am also reachable via PM, but here is also a list of links ♥
Plurk @
s q u i g g l e sAIM @ scarfandjackets
I look forward to playing with all of you!
See. I am a pro and completely forgot the friend add thesesevenyears
thing ._.