August Plotting Meme!

Aug 09, 2011 14:31

Character's Name/Journal: Name/name
Residence: Where do they usually stay?
Jobs/tasks in Discedo: What do they do? Help out at the bar or soup kitchen? Do they want to do anything?
Where can they be found?: Where do they hang out? Do they go to the bar every Friday night? Do they stay at home?
What have they been up to this month? What have they been doing? Working, training, hanging out with friends? Don't worry about summing it up in a sentence; a paragraph or two is fine!
Future plans?: Any plots in the works? Any plans?
Things you'd like to do!: Similar to future plans, maybe there's something you'd really like your character to do-like learn to fight with a sword, or teach pig Latin, or open a shoe store-and you aren't sure if anyone else is interested or able to help teach it.

And don't forget to reply to other people's comments! Maybe they're your next-door neighbors, or maybe you have the same job or hobby. The goal of this meme is to help people branch out! There's no time limit, and it's totally optional, but we really encourage at least skimming this for potential CR and plots!

Character's Name/Journal:
Jobs/tasks in Discedo:
Where can they be found?:
What have they been up to this month?
Future plans?:
Things you'd like to do!:

plotting meme!

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