How's My Driving?

Dec 19, 2010 15:19


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2/2 dontcallmegol December 20 2010, 04:32:29 UTC

As for the thread with Marco, I'm sorry you were hurt by it. I didn't really mean anything personal, and tbh that wasn't really meant to be "me" though I could see how you would think that. That was poor wording on my part. That really was Ace going back and reading a bit of the thread, then getting bored, I'm sorry for the way it looks. He really does believe that Den just lies out of his ass on most cases. Or at least isn't sharing most of the facts because he forgot (or doesn't pay attention), but Ace doesn't know that, he just thinks he's covering his ass and trying to look good.

I honestly feel a little the same as far as trying to tag Den, I'm really not sure how to approach it because I know the boys will end up at each others throats some how. Either Ace says something wrong (Or maybe it's my wording?) or Denmark insults the guy as he's prone to do and they're at it again. Ace generally tries to avoid the guy just for this reason because he really doesn't think he can get through to him and doesn't want to start a fight. (Though TBH depending on the post sometimes he DOES go looking for a fight.)

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what else to tell you? Combining his cannon traits/responses to things and general hot-headed/rebelliousness... as well as prior experiences with the country, really makes it difficult for them to see eye to eye. Not to say it isn't worth a shot still, but it'll be hard from this point on due to his development.

But nothing personal! I swear!


eroslegy December 20 2010, 05:54:05 UTC

Just to clarify a couple of points on Den's end-

First, he's pretty much the epitome of all bark and no bite. He says whatever he thinks without stopping to think; this includes name-calling and the like. If he thinks something is stupid, he'll say so, etc. Not to say that that's a great trait, but again, he never means harm by it and would be surprised if he knew it was taken that way. And he does say he'll punch this, hurt that, whatever, but the fact of the matter there is that no, he won't. Ever. In fact, at his point of canon, he's steadily neutral and even moving back to being friends with Sweden-it's Sweden's point in canon that makes it difficult (Sweden in 1700 is coming off of about 100 years straight of bullying Denmark; Denmark is aware of and very nervous about this).

He's pretty easy-going-he has a high enough opinion of himself that he doesn't care what other people say about him, or if he's called names. But what he doesn't like is being spoken down to: he's the "King of Northern Europe," and-this goes to his interactions with Ace specifically-a lot of the times, their threads turn bad when Ace begins "preaching" to Denmark. For example in the "name" post. He also really gets annoyed when Ace talks about Sweden as though Sweden needs protecting, as though it's Ace's "right" to fight Denmark over him, etc. It's "interfering," and needless at that, so Denmark gets frustrated. It's *not* Ace's business in his mind, even if he and Sweden are friends-it's family business, and Ace jumping in… uh, white knighting, to use the phrase, is exactly what gets on Denmark's nerves.

Denmark does have a temper. He's not yet lost it at Ace, actually, which is good because his temper is very violent, but that's why he's gotten very dismissive and "oh, it's you, shut up or go away" around him: by now, after Ace's "protecting" Sweden time and time again, and "talking down" to Denmark (disputing his place as "king"), Denmark just figures that the guy doesn't do anything but make empty threats and stick his nose where he doesn't belong, and tries to ignore him. The fire post was especially bad because he was joking (he accused several very close friends of being the arson, too, and knew Sweden was stuck in bed), and didn't want to lose his good mood.

Denmark really doesn't hold grudges. He honestly doesn't remember what "started" any of this, just that for some reason Ace is "always" pissy at him. He likes to be happy and not have to think, so it's his reaction to just ignore and forget. He gets all blergh because, you know, "that guy shows up, great, now things will stop being fun."

So now with Denmark's POV on it all explained, the real point of the comment-

Denmark doesn't really care if Ace respects him or not. To put it in the bluntest terms, you don't care if someone you don't respect respects you. He mostly just wants Ace to stop "interfering" with him and Sweden's business, which seems like could really be accomplished fairly easily if someone just explained their relationship in general. (Not just for Ace, but so he could hear, yes.) The thing is, Denmark would if asked/pressed a bit explain himself, but he wouldn't just up and say it on his own.


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