And Portal's "Still Alive" song.
Okay, so, insane people. 8|
Both Aang and Yoh will be taking part, though Yoh's is undecided as of right now, until I can chat with the others. xD I know Aang just got back, but I don't want to miss the epic. : <
As for Aang, he won't be murdering anyone because LOL it's Aang and I would cry. LOL FORGIVE MY FAIL, IT'S CALLED AN
ENFANTE TERRIBLE. .D.b I talked with Angie, so hopefully he'll get to be a creeper with Elycia sometime today, so they can be cute and cause WTFery at the same time. And if he's feeling really evil, he might eat some meat. >DDDD Stuff will probably pop up throughout the day. IDK.
He'll probably show up randomly on posts, giving those eerie giggles, and saying odd things. Depending on what Tora and Jen decide to do later, he might have a period of normalacy, and then lapse right back into the weirdness. xD We shall see~~ \o/