What is Magic?

Aug 10, 2011 21:45

Who: posytasskicking and westdetective

Where: The Park

When: Friday, Aug 5th, Afternoon

Rating: PG-13 at best

Summary: Basically two opposing sides are so opposing there will be a lot of trolling and snark. Oh, and I guess Heiji is learning magic. WAIT! magic.

The Log: ( If only you could get paid for this, Seifer. )

[ final fantasy viii ] seifer almasy, [ detective conan ] heiji hattori

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postasskicking August 11 2011, 04:50:50 UTC
[Seifer showed up. But... wow. Just. Staring.]

The hell happened to you?

[Seriously... Not that he had exclusive beating rights on Heiji or something, but wow why have a party without him... ...Yes Seifer is a dick idek lmao.]


westdetective August 11 2011, 05:00:59 UTC
It's nothin' don't worry about it. [Seriously. He didn't need you mocking him.]

Let's get on with it.


postasskicking August 11 2011, 05:06:16 UTC
[Shaking his head, but he raises a hand. Alright, alright... taking up his time here hmm...]

How about we start with the basics then.

[Flicking his hand and there is a fiery explosion off to Heiji's left sure.]



westdetective August 11 2011, 05:12:59 UTC

[But it could have been planned.



postasskicking August 11 2011, 05:33:26 UTC


westdetective August 11 2011, 05:38:19 UTC
[Heiji doesn't know the first thing about fantasy magic, and even if he did he wouldn't believe it. Now that he does, he still doesn't believe it.

This shit he is trying. It failing. YOU DIDN'T HONESTLY EXPECT HIM TO BE SUCCESSFUL DID YOU?!]


postasskicking August 11 2011, 05:44:27 UTC
Tch... You even tryin'?

[Not that he wasn't expecting this HE JUST WANTED TO AVOID THE ALTERNATIVE sigh holding out his hand.]

Gimme your hand.


westdetective August 11 2011, 05:59:46 UTC
Of course I am! [He wanted to be right after all! SO HIS NOT BEING SUCCESSFUL IS A GOOD THING!]

I'm not grabbin' yer hand. [Not after last time. Sorry, bro.]


postasskicking August 11 2011, 06:02:52 UTC
... ... ...

[What. Even. Taking his glove off.]

There ain't nothin' here. [...]


So then give me a place to start Mr. Detective.


westdetective August 11 2011, 06:08:38 UTC
An' yer sleeves?

[Criminals can be clever. Not saying Seifer was one, but he was covering all his bases, so you better do something about that too.]


postasskicking August 11 2011, 06:11:04 UTC
... ... ...

[Omg wtf even Heiji's more paranoid than him. Just. Taking off his coat and dropping it aside lmao.]

Anythin' else?


westdetective August 11 2011, 06:18:28 UTC
[You better believe he was, but given his profession of choice, it only came with the job. He eyed Seifer for a bit before finally agreeing to it.

Seifer is only lucky he didn't have to take off more clothing just for something akin to a fucking handshake!

Heiji took his hand unwillingly.]


postasskicking August 11 2011, 06:21:21 UTC
[Taking that hand, so much frowning over here. HAD TO TAKE OFF HIS COAT GOD WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO sdlkfaj but no lmfao. He'll just close his eyes, but. ...Before he does anything:]

[...] You're sure about this?


westdetective August 11 2011, 06:32:46 UTC
[Really? He was asking this now. Heiji beemed an annoyed glance at him, but then his expression softened, and no. NOT LIKE THAT SOB. I don't believe this.]

Yeah, I'm sure. [Totally consensual.]


postasskicking August 11 2011, 06:39:29 UTC
[Just how Seifer likes it /killed forever omg. But concentrating and doing that... thing I assume they do when you're in the game menu AW YEAH Junction>GF>DIABLOS, PRESS O I could go on but honestly this would get nerdy lmfao. ANYWAYS I ASSUME HEIJI PROBS FEELS WEIRD MESSING IN HIS MIND SHIT since that is exactly what's going on lmao. When Seifer's done he will definitely feel strong though, idk wtf does having your HP upped by monsters in your memory section feel like........ SUDDENLY HE FEELS HEALTHIER no idefk lmfao

Okay this has been some seriously gay and nerdy moments Seifer will let go and open his eyes.]



westdetective August 11 2011, 06:47:22 UTC
[What are you drugging him for?! He just gave you his consent, is that not good enough? Sob. Heiji doesn't like feeling different, okay. Whatever the hell you did Heiji's totally taking his hand back.

He seriously needs to stop trusting you. You're a horrible influence on him, his parents would never approve!]

Well what?

What did ya do?


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