Who: Gakupo and Sakura
Where: The Observatory in Spero
The night of this thread Rating: PG13 for fluff? Sap? Moe-ness?
Summary: Gakupo asked her to go with him to the observatory. This was not influenced by Marco. Nope.
The Log:
The light rain they have been getting as of late seemed to take a break. Some clouds parted, but who knows how long they would stay like that. Gakupo was looking up at the sky as he waited for Sakura to come. He had thought it would have been best to meet with her and walk with her here. It was just dangerous here, more so at night.
His line was set straight the more he thought about it. He was not being chivalrous at all.
There was a twig snap somewhere, making Gakupo come out of his thoughts and look around, hand on the hilt of his sword. What was lurking in the dark...