Who: Watch characters in Dissimulo + Yulie + Makoto if she wants to come + anyone who has CR with Watch characters that might have gotten dragged along (...Seifer's CR I'm looking at you sob aren't you glad you know him)
Where: Dissimulo thrift store
When: Whenever Kresnik and Yulie got back from Discedo
Rating: PG
Summary: Watching meeting/party thing. Assume Seifer dialed all the Watch people over here. If your character's in the Watch and wasn't going to come anyways? You can assume Seifer found them and dragged them anyways lmao WATCH MEETING DAMN IT
the log:
So. There was a table in the middle of the store. And there was cake. And... whatever else Seifer had been able to scrounge up, cups, water. It was a thrift store, plenty of junk lying around to use.
And you know what Seifer conned some poor schmuck into making him a banner that says "WELCOME YULIE!". It was probably Karkat since he offered to draw Seifer things. There are chairs and with God as his witness Seifer was going to make this Watch sit down and get to know eachother. How the hell were they all supposed to be a team when half of them didn't even know one another existed? This was a Watch, not a shady anonymous society.
Also picking on Kresnik was just a bonus.