ethericbit and
lolishiki .
Where: Starting at the hospital, then going...anywhere?
When: Backdated all the way to April 16th.
Rating: Do ridiculously creepy teenagers count as anything over PG?
Summary: Jack and Sunako go on adventures. In the rain. Which may become snow.
the log:
He's been there less than a month, but Jack knows the city out from in. Hopping roofs and slipping through alleyways isn't a boring at all for someone like him, who goes most days and nights doing so. And the best part is there's no risk of getting caught (not that he'd been worried about that happening back home).
It was interesting meeting up with people, though, rather than sticking on his own. And Sunako was really quite- if the eyes were any indication. Though the seeming lack of any relation to the Court ruined a chance of figuring out much.
It's raining, rather steadily, and freezing at that. But that doesn't matter to him.