While Night Comes on Gently...

Jun 10, 2010 18:39

Who: Leo and Donny
Where: Latimir 110+
When: late night
Rating: PG
Summary: Leo notices his brother returning to old sleeping habits- unaware that he's doing the same thing...
the log: ( Dark like me-- )

[ tmnt ] leonardo, [ tmnt ] donatello

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techoutmystaff June 11 2010, 01:45:52 UTC
Donatello was pouring himself over some blueprints when he heard a knock at the door. Oh, shell. Someone else was still up? He hoped it wasn't Leo, because he knew that Leo was going to tell him off for still being up late.

And when Leo tried the knob, he knew it was Leo. Crap. Shell. He was in trouble, wasn't he? Donny put down his pen and stroked the fur of the cat sleeping in his lap. At least some things hadn't of changed.

"... Er, h-hi, Leo," Don greated his brother with a sheepish grin. "What are you doing up at this hour?"


dual_soulninja June 11 2010, 01:52:13 UTC
Leo stepped in, leaning against the door frame for a moment while he figured out what Donny was doing. The room was so quiet compared to his brothers room at home. No ping of machines or hum of computers. He shook his head and walked in completely, closing the door and folding his arms in front of him.

"I was finishing up something on Bonito. What are you doing up at this hour?"


techoutmystaff June 11 2010, 01:55:20 UTC
"Er, was finishing up a blueprint," Donatello replied sheepishly, knowing he was caught red-handed. Or, at least, with ink on his hands. "And giving Klunk a lap to sleep on."

Donatello tried to look as innocent as he could, not to mention, apologetic. "Sorry, Leo. I just got lost in my work."


dual_soulninja June 11 2010, 02:02:20 UTC
"Right. I'm pretty sure, Klunk wouldn't mind if you just offered him a corner of your bed instead."

The look on Leo's face clearly said, time to put everything away and get to bed, "We've all got to get our sleep around here."


techoutmystaff June 11 2010, 02:40:05 UTC
"Uhm, he probably would go sleep with Mikey if I did that," Donatello grinned rather weakly.

But he does know it's time for bed, now, and he gently nudges Klunk to awareness. Only to get a glare before the kitten jumps off and stands next to the door. He watches Klunk for a moment before grinning lightly to Leo.

"You need to sleep, too."


dual_soulninja June 11 2010, 03:14:04 UTC
"I'll sleep once I'm sure everyone is secure and asleep." He glanced down at the small cat, watching it walk towards the door before reaching towards the door to open it.

"Once that happens-" He winced tightly-hiding it by opening the door for Klunk and closing it again. He went on with out a pause, "I'll follow you guys."


techoutmystaff June 11 2010, 13:18:24 UTC
Donatello is perceptive--sometimes too perceptive--and notices the wince. He doesn't draw attention to it right at that moment, knowing Leonardo will just utterly deny whatever made him wince. ... His shell wound, maybe?

"So you'll sleep if I sleep?" Donatello asked after a moment, standing so that he could clean up his work while still watching Leo out of the corner of his eye. "It's almost like you're holding yourself ransom. Not very fair to me... But I'll sleep, then."

Leo, you're a cheater.


dual_soulninja June 11 2010, 18:45:10 UTC
Ninja, remember?

Once he hears the rustle of papers, Leo turns- watching to make sure Donny is distracted before he rubs the sting out of his shoulder. It isn't so much the exit wound that hurts, but the space next to his shoulder join where it went in that gives him the odd bit of trouble now and then.

"What ever works, Donny." He's smiling softly though.


techoutmystaff June 11 2010, 20:27:03 UTC
Yeah, yeah. He remembers. But still!

Don notices the shoulder rubbing and almost hesitates in cleaning up, but stops himself. Instead, his eyes soften a bit as he turns his gaze fully back to what he's doing. He had no idea it still hurt Leo like that... While it made sense, it was something you didn't think about until you saw it.

One thing that Don did know is that it couldn't be hurting Leo too badily. Not if he was rubbing it and acknowledging it. Leo never would do that if it was a much greater wound.

"You don't ever hold anything back, do you?" Donatello replied with a quiet but happy voice. "But you'll have to prove it to me that you're going to sleep."


dual_soulninja June 11 2010, 20:49:28 UTC
He rolls his shoulder and drops his hand, watching his little brother pick up, "You're stalling." He says lightly, as much of a teasing voice as Leo got. He does smirk a little when Don mentions holding back; shaking his head lightly and raising an eyeridge.

"With you guys, I can't afford it." Oh...see that's not fair at all Don, seeing through the one advantage he had. "...and how would I do that?" hmm, "Unless I stay in here for the night."


techoutmystaff June 11 2010, 20:54:48 UTC
"Am not!" Donatello replied automatically, sounding slightly affronted like a kid--if he was stalling, it was only an unconscious effort, and really only to observe how Leo was treating his shoulder.

Unfortunately for you, Leo, your brother was the perceptive type, "Someone's gotta keep us in line." He then turned to blink at Leo once after the suggestion, then grinned. "That could work. I gotta keep an eye on you, too, you know!"


dual_soulninja June 11 2010, 23:27:51 UTC
The shoulder is still stinging but it's at the point where he's given up on making it better. "Really? You usually don't spend this much time cleaning up back home." He puts his good hand on Don's shoulder, "Try to keep you guys in line." He blinked a little, well he hadn't expected that to be agreed to so easily.

Well...really, it wasn't that much of a surprise. Even Raph had moment where he'd either ask Leo for a spar in the middle of the night, or keep the older turtle hostage on the couch until they were both asleep.

"Alright, Donny. Just to prove to you that I do sleep." Sometimes. "But don't grump if I wake you up when I get up for my morning run."


techoutmystaff June 12 2010, 20:03:06 UTC
"I won't grump, and you do pretty good," Don promised, and then he gave Leonardo a quiet look, having not replied to the cleaning up part.

"... Is it hurting now?" he asked instead.


dual_soulninja June 12 2010, 21:55:50 UTC
He wasn't surprised that Donny ignored his small quip; but he wasn't expecting a straight answer to it anyways. "You say that now- but once morning hits you'll change your mind."

The question actually catches him off guard for a moment before his face relaxes, "Does what hurt?"


techoutmystaff June 12 2010, 22:35:15 UTC
"I'll just groan and kick you out of bed--literally--then go back to sleep," Donatello replied naturally.

"... Your shoulder and shell," Donatello stated, his eyes growing concerned. "I saw you rubbing it."


dual_soulninja June 12 2010, 23:32:22 UTC
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of." He teased back a little, he knew how hard it was to get Donny out of bed if the turtle didn't want to move. The question though make him frown.

"...it's not bad. It'll be fine by morning."


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