Who: OPEN to everyone ever (even your dad)
Where: Church, Arms store, Library, the Docks, Hydroelectric plant, Boutique, Northern Lights, and Mariner High School. And everywhere else ever.
When: June 4th
Rating: PG-13/R for bloody limbs
Summary: Finding Grendel, in pieces.
the log: (
I hate and I love )
Between the gears, her right leg is stuck but lacks the foot.
Still he's waiting in the park with his gunblade, ready to go. He's a little early, but honestly he wants to get this over as quick as possible. Something just tells him there's going to be a mess to clean up afterwards.
She had so many questions for them and she probably had so little time to ask them all.
Gracia said her goodbyes to her roommates and walked briskly towards the park, a familiar area she seemed to be passing by often to relax or to hear herself think. Her gaze was on the ground she stepped on, so it came as a bit of a shock to see a man already there, waiting with a hint of impatience. Blinking, she walked over to him and took a wild guess; "Seifer?"
He arrived at around the same time as Gracia, eyes narrowed. The city felt...off, today.
"You got it, Gracia. Hitsugaya. Ready to go?"
Not even waiting for an answer or to make sure they were following he shouldered his gunblade and started out for the hydroelectric plant. Time to take care of this.
"Either of you been in this place before?"
"I cannot say I even know what this...hydroelectricity is."
"Me neither. I don't know what that is too." Her time certainly had no such infrastructure laying around.
"No questions." Just beginning to wonder what was that faint smell was. Probably some monster having made off with a kill.
"Um, I mean, no questions too!" She fiddled with her flashlight for a bit, before finally figuring out how to switch it on and off. (Humorously, she also momentarily blinded herself because she was curious as to what was making the light.)
Before entering the dark, desolate plant, Gracia turned to Hitsugaya and smiled quickly. "By the way, I'm Gracia. Nice to meet you. Let's be careful in there, alright?"
Satisfied that it wasn't trapped he led the way inside, taking a moment to let his eyes accept the darkness. "Did the two of you bring your communicators?"
"Hitsugaya. Mind where you step and we should be fine." With that out of the way, he watched as Seifer did something at the door. Maybe opening it would set off an alarm or something, but walking on the side of caution couldn't hurt with everything as chaotic as it was.
"I have mine with me." And he does, tucked into the small pouch where his communicator from back home normally went, right on the inside lining of his top. While Gracia answers the question, Hitsugaya manages to turn on his flashlight and peers over Seifer's shoulder, the beam not lighting much of an area, but allowing them to see the first few feet inside where the daylight won't reach.
"I brought it just in case we need to call for help." She answered, looking around and doing her best to feel for anything suspicious or dangerous that could attack them. The eerie silence and the suffocating darkness brought small goosebumps up to her arms and neck, but she shook it off and kept on walking, forcing herself to be alert.
"Why would the scientist choose this place to meet us out of all the other places in the city?" She mused. It didn't make much sense to her. The Hydroelectric plant was much too scary for a simple meeting. So why here?
Pulling a final flashlight out of his coat, Seifer paused. "As for why meet here... it's cause this ain't no meeting. You should probably know I'm not expecting to find our scientist friend alive."
The plant was quiet, but that didn't explain that scent like rotting meat. Had a monster gotten in with a kill and left some behind? With a frown on his face, Hitsugaya clicked his communicator onto voice to reach his companions.
"Do either of you smell that?"
She didn't know what that quiet grumbling (growling?) was, but she knew where it came from; and at Hitsugaya's statement through the communicators, Gracia definitely sensed creatures gathering near her direction.
"...It smells really bad." She coughed after her reply, and used her flashlight to light the way forward. Shadows were stirring near a large area filled with strangely shaped circles. "I think it's coming from here. Did anybody find anything?" Depending on their answer, she would either stay away or keep moving.
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