Turtles are Angst Magnets. Seriously.

May 11, 2010 14:18

Who: Raphael, Donatello
Where: Latimir 110+111+210, 1st floor
When: A couple of nights after Raphael overhears the commentlog in this thread
Rating: PG-13 for possible discussion of events from "Same As It Never Was".
Summary: Donatello goes for a drink of water and a few moments to himself after another nightmare; Raphael has other ideas.
the log:

Another night, another nightmare. This was getting ridiculous. Donatello had barely gotten Leo off his shell about the latest one, and now that Leo had some idea that something had happened, Leo was growing increasingly worried. He eventually had managed to excuse himself and quickly left before Leo felt like asking questions.

At least he had kept it together, mostly, after Leo had woken him up. He was luckier tonight, and Leo had broke him out of his nightmare before he could actually see Mikey--

Donatello shook his head, then walked over to the kitchen to get a drink of water. His throat was dry, and the motion of forcing himself to swallow would hopefully loosen it. He snuck past Knuckles, hoping not to wake the echidna, and went to the far kitchen on the other side of the apartment.

It wasn't his lab yet... but it was far enough away from anyone sleeping--Raph was in the bedroom furthest from the kitchen on that side--that he could get a few minutes to collect himself.

And to get a drink of water.

[ tmnt ] raphael, [ tmnt ] donatello

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