[Everyone knows I'm over my head, over my head]

May 08, 2010 15:40

Who: Hitsugaya Toushiro (ten_no_ryuu ) and Open
Where: The old Police Station Building.
When: Saturday the 8th of May
Rating: PG
Summary: Hitsugaya holds an Membership Drive for the City Watch
The Log:
Everyone I knew was waiting on a cue... )

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skullcracking May 9 2010, 00:25:00 UTC
Chie'd kept up her habit of stopping by the police station building pretty regularly on her daily rounds. Even if the force wasn't exactly together anymore, there was no reason for her to give up working toward keeping things in order. There were still monsters to fight off and people to protect, right? And swinging by the building felt comfortable - grounding, in a way, like heading down to the Samegawa after school had felt back home in Inaba.

She'd somehow missed the message on the network about the meeting, so she wasn't at all expecting to run into other people inside the station.

"Wh-" She heard noises that sounded like movement and voices from nearby, and came to a dead stop, muscles tensed, ready to spring into action, if necessary. "Who's there?"


ten_no_ryuu May 9 2010, 00:38:52 UTC
Hitsugaya simply stepped into her field of vision, arms crossed in his sleeves and a nonchalant look on his face. He knew that kind of posture, but he wasn't phased.

"Hitsugaya Toushiro."


skullcracking May 12 2010, 04:21:49 UTC
She gave him a brief studying glance - he didn't seem threatening, but Chie wasn't about to let down her guard just yet.

"What are you doing here?"


ten_no_ryuu May 12 2010, 04:33:00 UTC
"Organizing the area." Try as he may, he couldn't help the note of annoyance that seeped into his voice. Whoever had the place last hadn't really cleaned up. He looked back at Chie, giving her a look.

"You can relax. I'm not going to attack you."


skullcracking May 20 2010, 16:23:21 UTC
"... Oh." Chie studied him another moment before untensing enough to settle back into her normal standing stance.

"What are you organizing for?"


ten_no_ryuu May 20 2010, 20:20:10 UTC
Best to go with just the simplest answer.

"A city watch, to keep the monsters away from the people of Discedo."


skullcracking May 27 2010, 16:57:00 UTC
"Oh." That's music to Chie's ears, and she smiles a little. "Well, I'm kind of doing that anyway, on my own, since the police force fell apart."


ten_no_ryuu May 27 2010, 22:27:05 UTC
Hitsugaya nodded. 'Fell apart' seemed to be an understatement, but he didn't know enough to say just how much of one it was. For now, though, he looked back up at Chie.

"If you'd prefer to work in a group, you're welcome to join us."


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