A Married Couple's Evening

Apr 09, 2010 23:28

Who: blameshimself & seguchimika
Where: Marshall 111
When: MIDNIGHT of April 9th, 2010
Rating: PG. Just because Tohma is in it. Wait, shouldn't that make it at LEAST PG-13?
Summary: Tohma's in bed and can't get away from his wife. Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
the log: Although it was difficult to handle another person who acted just like Ryuichi, he missed Okita Souji. With him in the hospital, there was one less person to distract him from the things he didn't want to think about. Worst of all, for whatever reason, he was utterly exhausted, despite not doing much physical labor. Karma was kicking him in the ass and leaving the apartment would just get him scolded like a child.

For now, he resigned himself to staying in bed, surrounded by blank pages he would eventually fill with music. At the end of the week he would take his keyboard to the high school and... Tohma sighed. It probably wasn't a good idea to think about that.
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