and everything will be back to the way it was

Mar 26, 2010 22:35

Who: ihasastrawhat and baratiesbest
Where: Marshall 114
When: Friday Evening
Rating: A for Angst PG-ish
Summary: Ace is gone. A certain little bro's not dealing well.
the log:

How many hours were passing? Days? Luffy had a faint grip on the way Discedo worked when a person left. Time just passed and they came back changed or injured or confused, with more memories or no memories or whatever memories the scientists let them keep. Luffy wasn't sure of the details, but he knew what Ace was going to have to face, and it only led to worse and worse times.

An execution platform... Ace, kneeling there, handcuffed and waiting...

How many more steps did Luffy need to make to reach him? He had blacked out for just a second and woke up in this damn excuse of a city by those bastard scientists. No one knew how any of this worked, but Luffy knew he was stuck here, helpless and lost. He couldn't just punch the scientists and demand they send him back, because he couldn't find them. No one could, otherwise he probably wouldn't have been here in the first place. He couldn't get them to change, couldn't beat them into righting any wrongs.

He couldn't stop this execution here. Time just passed for Ace and Luffy was just stuck, in the same spot he had been for the past three hours, reclining in his hammock in the bedroom holding Ace's orange two-faced hat. What was this hat smiling for anyway?

There was nothing to be happy for.

[ one piece ] sanji, [ one piece ] monkey d. luffy

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