Who: Youma!Flandre (
u_n_asplode), Patchouli Knowledge (
Where: The Library
When: Less than half an hour after Kai's death on Jan. 24th
Rating: PG-13ish for Flandre and half of a bad end maybe.
Summary: The youma decides that the library is a good place to hide from Suzaku, but Patchy is getting a bit paranoid. Clearly, this will end well.
the log:
The youma had landed a few blocks ago--and had been running ever since, quite as if it was fleeing from something terrifying. Keeping up a ruse that had started to fray into tatters. Flandre's wings were dark and lifeless, though they nevertheless rattled and chimed with her steps. Her eyes were wide and frightened, heedless of the sunbeams that poked through the clouds or the snow that crunched underfoot.
Flandre reached the door of the library, and very nearly slipped on a patch of ice on the doorstep. But the library was safe--safe from birds, safe from the sun that this host seemed to detest so much.
The vampire seemed to be limping, as she practically fell through the door.