Who: Vincent Valentine (
dis_valentine), Lucrecia Crescent (
Where: Latimir 410
When: November 2nd, evening
Rating: PG
Summary: Vincent is back! Lucrecia makes certain he has all his fingers and toes and none of Sephiroth's as extras.
the log:
Lucrecia opened the door to Latimir 410 as quietly as possible. It was rather late. She'd gotten so caught up in her notes she'd lost track of the time. Or she wished that were so anyways and would say so if asked. The truth was she'd been striving to put off returning as long as possible. Regardless of what she told herself, the feeling that Vincent couldn't want to see her after the week he must have had was impossible to shake.
After all...she was entirely to blame. Closing the door softly, found herself hesitating, wanting to check on Vincent, but again afraid he'd rather she didn't. She'd been dreading this moment the entire week. Now that it was here she found she wanted to run away and put it off even more. How could he forgive her? She didn't even have the strength to spend the time with him when he was sick. At the least, she couldn't forgive herself for having to leave the task up to Sephiroth.