Who: OPEN, especially to bar staff.
Where: Northern Lights Bar/Restaurant!
When: Today! Before the dinner rush.
Rating: Considering the bar's staff, Imma put this at PG-13 for language.
Summary: It's a typical, if slow, day at the Northern Lights bar/restaurant; staff yelling, people taking naps in the back room, generators exploding, beer made of darkness, and a lack of customer service like you've never seen before. Really, there's no plot-just a mingle post, if you will, for one "slow day" at Discedo's finest dining establishment. Drinks aren't free (unless you talk to Sorata).
the log:
Sure, Shinjiro looked like a hobo and, well, kind of was one, but it was clear he could take care of his restaurant when the mood struck him. The place was clean, organized, and even decorated (if a single giant sword hanging from the wall was a decoration); it had heating and electricity, unlike the rest of Discedo, and even dedicated staff for keeping monsters far away.
It was a pretty normal day at the bar, all things considered. The cooks were doing their job; the bartenders theirs the waiters theirs, and the customers theirs, even if there were less of them than usual. Aside from the occasional lack of indoor voices when someone in the back wanted something from the front (that someone usually Sorata), things were quiet, even peaceful.
But hey, if things are nice for a change, everyone might as well enjoy it, right?