ITEM RAIN and other modly business

Apr 09, 2009 17:07

Alright guys, it’s been long enough! Time for another item rain! You know the drill: post here with the item you wish your character to find. If it’s something inappropriate or godmod-y, we’ll respond, but otherwise, think of our silence as consent!

It’ll occur on THE 16th.

If you’re new to Discedo, or have never experienced an item rain, the details are here:

1. Basically, the machine the scientist use to bring people to Discedo malfuncations, so instead of people, you get items from your character’s home for a day.
2. The items will be there when you wake up (you won’t actually see items falling from the sky)
3. Only TWO items per character. This keeps things nice, fair, and uncomplicated.
4. Keep the items within reason, please! Nothing TOO huge or TOO powerful. We have the right to deny your character their item.
5. This one’s new, so listen up!: Items aren’t the only things comin’ with this rain. After the 16th, feel free to notice a set of new monsters about the city.
- Redeads
- Swamp Shark
- The Plasma
- Pig Cha-Cha

We’ll add them officially to the Monster List on the 16th!

And remember, the item rain happens on the 16th.

Okay, with the Item Rain stuff covered, I’ve got one modly thing to remind you guys of. While, yes, it is OOC knowledge that Ace and Javaid are gone, it is not IC knowledge. The Scientist’s communicators work in a different way than the rest of Discedo’s, so your character won’t notice that Ace and Javaid’s are gone. We’ve noticed a few people mentioning it here and there, but it hasn’t become a problem yet, so we’re just reminding you of that information here.

Any questions/comments/confusion? Just post here and ask! We'll get to your questions as quickly as possible!

announcements, item get

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