Hey Discedo, Cat here with the deets on how this whole moving thing will go down. First off moving and moving to Dreamwidth specifically won by majority in the polls. And while we know it was by a slim majority and won't sit well with everyone, we have decided for several reasons to switch to a community style game during this move.
Dreamwidth friending is slightly different from Livejournal friending. Moving is going to be enough of a hassle without getting into that. Switching to community style also means we won't have to compile a completely new friend add list from scratch and wait to make certain we have everyone's journals and that everyone has everyone else added and added properly before the game can really kickstart on Dreamwidth. Basically it'll be easier to move and move faster. There were several things we really wanted to do in January that have been pushed back due to all the mess examples being the game feed back meme and a plot for reclaiming canon pets (something we've been asked about for a few months now). So we really like the idea of being able to hit the ground running with the move.
After some thought we'd also like to cut down on the amount of modding duties there are in the game. While Discedo isn't the biggest game or the most active in apps and drops, maintaining the friend add/remove page, the weekly updates and the Discedo friends list does take time away from other things we'd like to focus on such as plots, Scientist activity and Spectavi. We will be holding an app round soon where players can volunteer to be either full-time mods or helper mods (they'll help out with one or two mod tasks such as Spectavi or maybe even NPCing a Scientist and will be more than welcome to throw their opinion in on any other modding going on if they have a suggestion, but we won't require them to help out with plots, applications, mod decisions, etc like we would a full-time mod), but for now we'd like to cut down on the amount of work there is to do. Another part of the reason is that I never intended to be a permanent mod and am hoping to step down some time within the next few months so the less jobs to pass around there are the easier this'll be to do.
In the future when the modteam is in a better position to keep on top of the game and if a majority of the game wants it, we may switch back to a journal style game, but for now we'd like to try community style.
This all being said here's how the move's going to go down:
*All mod posts will now go in
Discedo_OOC. We will be importing the
discedo posts there and all mod posts will be tagged !mod: [whatever the tag was on Discedo] for easy sorting.
*All network/journal posts will now go in
Discedo. Our current plan is to have several tags as follows:
»A tag for characters. This will be the character's name and used to tag all posts the character makes as well as posts they reply to (so Squall's tag would be "squall leonhart"). We know other games make tags for posts and replies different, but considering you can always add ?poster=NameOfJournalHere to bring up all posts by a journal in a community we don't see the need to differentiate. As an example if you go to
http://discedo-ooc.livejournal.com/?poster=paradoxdestined you will find all of the posts made by my Squall journal in
discedo_ooc. This also works on Dreamwidth so to see all posts by my Squall journal in Dreamwidth discedo_ooc community you would do
http://discedo-ooc.dreamwidth.org/?poster=random-rule »Tags for location. Discedo has a lot of action spam and due to having multiple locations now with travel time inbetween this can get a bit complicated. You will now be able to tag your threads with *location: discedo, *location: dissimulo and *location: spero (feel free to use multiple ones if your character's action spamming over multiple cities).
»Tags for post type. You will be able to tag your post with *post: audio, *post: video and *post: text. Again you can use multiple tags on one post. This is mainly for those whose character(s) can't ICly access one or the other (example: Toph's blind, characters who can only understand German, etc).
Tagging your posts will not be mandatory (though appreciated by your fellow players). We will not hunt you down if you don't use the tag system. This system is also not set in stone, if anyone feels these tags won't work for whatever reason, would like a more simple/complex system or feels they should be styled differently drop us a comment and we'll take it into consideration!
*The game will officially move over to Dreamwidth on the 21st. Until then players can continue posting on LJ or start posting on DW. On the 21st we will close down all the game comms to new posts and no longer upkeep the friend add. All play will be officially moved over to the DW comms on that day.
*We have a new player plotting community, instead of playmyace all player organization posts can now go in
oldmanhangout. Due to Dreamwidth's sticky feature we will finally be able to keep a list at the top of the community with links to all IC organization posts (watch, hopsital staff, cafe alpha, etc). That can be found
*There will be no activity check February 1st-7th. Essentially if you weren't active in January for whatever reason you're getting a pass. This will also not increase anyone's hiatus count so no worries (it will also not reset your count though, if you've hiatused through the past two AC's you will need to pass the one March 1st-7th). We will still be holding the next plotting meme on the 8th of February though.
*We have a list of moving steps made up (located below). If you'd like to stay with the game we need you to complete them to still be counted as part of the game on Dreamwidth. Nothing spectacular just the basics of joining the comms and giving us your updated info. If we don't get this info from you by the 4th of February we'll assume you made an informal drop and open your character back up to being apped.
What we need from you:
1) Make journals for all your characters on
Dreamwidth. They do not have to be the same usernames, pick whatever you'd like. Currently Dreamwidth journal creation is open, but if they turn back on invite codes between now and February 4th, contact us and we'll get you one.
2) Go to
Discedo_OOC and
OldManHangout and join with your journals.
3) Go to the
Contact Page and reply with your contact info then go to (or alternatively skip to if you don't want to supply the former) the
Taken List and fill out the form to give us your new info.
4) Give yourself a pat on the back for making a successful transition to Dreamwidth.
This post can also be found
here on Dreamwidth for anyone who can't use LJ/would like to add all the comms from one page.
Finally if any players have helpful links (instructions on how to use the Dreamwidth display options/other Dreamwidth features, layout comms, etc) feel free to drop them in the comments!
As usual questions/concerns/etc are welcome on this post, for anonymous there is the
Concerns & Inquires page LJ/
Concerns & Inquiries page DW.