Winter Event

Dec 07, 2011 20:51

On Saturday December 10th, you'll find something peculiar on your nearest surface. A little white pill, a bottle of water, and a note:

To guide you in the storm.

Maybe Charon's words are sticking in the back in your mind. Maybe something is coming that someone is trying to prepare you for. Then again, he is a terrible skin-taking monster, so why should you take his words as truth?

You might want to decide soon.

Letting out your desires simply wasn't enough. Now it's time to release your inner monster. Literally. Like, shit, your neighbor is now a two headed wolf creature sort of literally. Characters will be transformed into supernatural monsters (though not necessarily 
 monsters) within only a matter of days, both physically and mentally. Pretty impressive scientific feat, wouldn't you agree?

Back to the Matrix. I mean the pills. Those who take them will experience none of the following effects. Everything is totally normal for you. That will probably come in handy later.

If you don't take them immediately, it'll get harder and harder to focus on those pills by Sunday the 11th. Your thoughts are preoccupied by other things. For some, your neighbors might start to look very delicious. Others, maybe all you want to do is barter their soul away. It's like something you never knew you wanted. Even if you know it's wrong, you can't stop thinking about it and maybe it's not so wrong after all...

Morality won't matter by Monday the 12, because you've lost all of your mental faculties. You are, mentally, whatever monster you're becoming.

Physically, it can go one of two ways: the slow way, or the fast way. Both are pretty gruesome. Former scenario, you change over the course of the day--nails falling out to be replaced by claws, skin peeling away for scales, fangs pushing out your teeth. Latter scenario, this will all happen in one bloody, excruciatingly painful transformation. You lose either way.

Which leaves you to your full-on monster mode Tuesday the 13th. You're unrecognizable to your friends in every sense. While in this state, you're as strong as the monster you've become, yet just as susceptible to its weaknesses. Sorry weredudes, silver is going to sting for you.

Luckily, there is a way back if you have a friend who took the pills and didn't undergo any changes. The only problem is how your friends are going to shove the pills you were given before you bite their hand off.

This will all end at 11:59 EST on Wednesday the 14th when all characters will returned to normal. Monster characters get to be reverse-transformed. Yes, it hurts. Maybe next time you won't be so paranoid about taking the unknown pills from a mysterious sender.


What sort of supernatural creature can I turn into?
Bam. Or, you know, anything you might see on Monster Quest (not Ancient Aliens). It can be as general as a werewolf or something more obscure. You might want to pick one whose attributes match to your characters' worst qualities or hold some significance to your character.

Will they gain the supernatural powers of the creatures?
Chipped characters will not gain extra supernatural abilities, but can still utilize their physical powers. For example, if you decide on a vampire, you can use your fangs, but you will not change into a bat.

Unchipped characters will be able to have supernatural powers, but we ask that you list them below so they can be approved. Sorry, no instadeath mindexplosions.

So what happens if Dean Winchester shoves those pills down my character's throat after they've already transformed?
They'll remain physically the same until the end of the event, but will mentally return to normal. The same applies if the character has supernatural powers.

What if I get shot with rock salt?
That fucking hurts I don't even care you are.

Yes. Yes it has. Everyone is White Walkers.


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