Event + Item Rain

Nov 21, 2011 14:46

Anyone feeling... hungry?

On Wednesday the 23rd the scientists will have a message for all of you in Fortuna. You see... they'd like to do something nice for you, but- you're all just not earning your keep. But that's okay, they'll help you out.

Starting at noon on Wednesday characters will begin to feel the gnawing of an insatiable hunger. What sort of hunger this is? Well, that's a personal matter...

Your hunger over the next few days will come in one of seven familiar flavors:
Lust- Whatever it is, there's something physical you can't get enough of. Maybe it's baseball. Maybe it's someone else...
Gluttony- There is something so sweet you can't stop coming back to it. Burgers? Or maybe you're getting high off the thrill of punishment. Be careful with your indulgence.
Avarice- You want it. All of it. Maybe it's all the chairs in this damn place. Maybe you're going crazy without a quantifying cash system to prove just how much more you have than everyone else- try to survive.
Sloth- Can anyone around here be bothered to do anything? Or maybe just to care, empathy is such a waste. Whatever the case is you're taking a vacation. Someone call you when this damn experiment's over.
Wrath- Those little quirks of others that get under your skin from months stuck with the same people or it could be you've had it, all these senseless injustices against you by this place-! You just can't hold it in anymore! Scream, curse, break things, whatever it takes to make the world know you are not okay. Give all those feelings a voice.
Envy- Ever felt inadequate? Or maybe you just think you deserve more. Those things others have. Physical. Intangible. It doesn't matter whether it's skills or looks or friends or brains- why can't you have those things? That one nagging little question: why?
Pride- The hardest one. How can you quantify this? The fact is: you can't. Because you know you're absolute. You work harder than everyone else. You look better. Your results aren't even in the same class as the rest. And somehow? You can't get enough of knowing this. Try not to grind any bystanders into the dust on your way to the top.

Whatever hunger your character is afflicted with can be as specific or general as you wish. Maybe they really do just need to own every chair in Discedo. Or maybe they won't be satisfied until they know they're better than everybody (that could take a while huh?). Silly, serious, in-between, whatever the case effects will build over the 23rd and the 24th before becoming undeniable by all, but the strongest wills on the 25th and 26th.

The event will end at 12:01 AM Sunday November 27th. There'll be a second scientist post that day and characters will wake up with (up to) two items. Are the scientists trying to buy your complacency for little stunts like this? Who knows... But it's best to take what you can get.

That's right this is an official Item Rain
+You may request anything for your character on this post (mods will approve requests as we get to them)
+You may request up to 2 items
+Items can be general items (such as food or developer for photographs) or items from home (such as specific clothes or weapons)
+Characters won't get anything living (so pets are out this round though there will be chances for those interested to regain them in the future)

As usual all questions/concerns/etc can be asked on this post!

plot, item get

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