No specific ideas for Conan yet, beyond him noticing right away that the scene does not fit. He'll be in Dissimulo.
Takato will be in Discedo. I'm thinking of having him run into some familiar faces from his world. Trauma, right?
Amelia is in Discedo as well, but I don't know what I will be doing with her yet. Probably some major upset, considering this is her first encounter with Discdo's horrors.
No specific ideas for Conan yet, beyond him noticing right away that the scene does not fit. He'll be in Dissimulo.
Takato will be in Discedo. I'm thinking of having him run into some familiar faces from his world. Trauma, right?
Amelia is in Discedo as well, but I don't know what I will be doing with her yet. Probably some major upset, considering this is her first encounter with Discdo's horrors.
...And I'm thinking that Conan might actually get angry over this one. If anything could, seeing this number of dead bodies would do it.
Also we need to conjure up some clues for Daisuke's death. xD I need to know what Mare wants to do first though.
/will im her
Dying message? /is shot
That could be anything varying on cause of death :[
Conan will not be flipping any tables. He will be getting coldly furious and determined.
Yeah. This is going to be busy for them considering how much they want to help.
Yeah, they're going to be into everything.
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