A whole ton of updates!

Jun 09, 2011 14:13

Hey guys! As promised, we have some updates for you… plus some! Basically, go take a look over at Coni-we've updated a lot of information and added a lot of new stuff! There's still a few things that need doing, but we should be getting it all finished ASAP.

Just for reference, here are the changes:
Reserves page: totally new format. Aesthetic changes only.
Applications: totally new format. Lots of wording changes, but the app rules have not changed. The wording is just to help people understand better.
Removed the App Guide, as it's not really needed or relevant. Hopefully the changes in wording on the Application page will do it's work for it.
Scientist Requests: totally new format. (Notice a theme yet?) Also, cleared out a bunch of old requests in the comments. (That one's mostly for us, but if you see your old screened comment vanish, that'd be why!)
Death Check-in: new format; deletion of old comments, and some very minor grammar fixing!
Setting Information: renamed to Setting FAQ. Formatting changes.
Communicator Info: formatting changes, and some minor grammar/text edits.
Chip Information & Chip Removal Requests: COMBINED INTO ONE PAGE. Also, there's new formatting, and, a big one, doctors no longer need to comment to give permission! Instead, we want to see the linked thread being the or a conversation where permission is granted/it's agreed it'll be removed. Also deleted lots of old (pre-2011) comments from the post.
Also there's a slightly updated (not much) map of Discedo, better reflecting ruined buildings.

MONSTER GUIDE! Now completely differently formatted and organized. There are a couple of things to say about this:
- First, for the time being, we're doing away with introducing new ones by player submission. We'll still intro new ones! But instead of just throwing them in because they're cool, we're going to try to take better care that they serve a purpose.
- As you'll see, we changed the "found in X district" to "found in X zone." We figured it's easier to understand. Basically the farther away from Horizon Park you are, the stronger the monsters get.
- We'd also like to remind everyone that there are monsters everywhere! In any abandoned building, in the streets, etc. It's not safe to walk around the city alone and unarmed!

Finally, we also have three brand new pages! Yay!

SETTING AND INFO: It's a setting page! Eventually we hope to have updated maps of Discedo and the world there as well, but for now it's a quick glance-and-see location guide to Discedo and the surrounding area. You'll notice some entries have options for links to playmyace and other posts; if you want to help us out by leaving a comment with that information (or any places we missed), it'd be super appreciated!

GAME RULES: While these are the same rules the game has always had, we've never really had them written up in an easy-to-spot location.

NAVIGATION: Just a simple list stickyed to the top of Coni, hopefully to make things easier on everyone!

As you can see, we still have some work to do, and one or two more pages to make, but please take a look at at least the MONSTER and SETTING posts! And if you see any stupid mistakes in grammar or coding, please drop me a line, I'm pretty new to this coding stuff haha.

We're also looking for a new layout for coniurati, discedo, and discedo-logs! It's not a huge priority, but if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to drop us a line!
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