(Personally I think the Greeks were a xenophobic lot, and if anything I like the Romans more) Our instructor will most likely focus on Athens and the Persian wars most likely.
Hmmm who wasn't xenophobic at that time? I mean, even the Romans were biaised. But the Greec mentality wasn't the same. The Romans... integrated more, giving the citizenship was one of the key of the length of their empire. The Greecs were wonderfully divided even if they shared a common culture.
Mine liked Sparta and their manry way of life. And the Mycenian and how you can suppose everything from a single rock :/a.
True enough, the Romans were most definitely biased as well. My instructor who taught the Intro to Classics course gave us the analogy that the Greeks were much like the goats that lived in the area, in which it is impossible to get them to go in one direction because they're all independant.
Oh really? Mine criticized the Spartans because they so often placed emphasis on military service and the state although they were important as well. She didn't talk much about the Mycenians but this might be corrected, I don't know yet.
I'm a bit disgusted by Greec history, too much Sparta and Mycenian stuff XD.
Take care of you :)
(Personally I think the Greeks were a xenophobic lot, and if anything I like the Romans more) Our instructor will most likely focus on Athens and the Persian wars most likely.
Mine liked Sparta and their manry way of life. And the Mycenian and how you can suppose everything from a single rock :/a.
Oh really? Mine criticized the Spartans because they so often placed emphasis on military service and the state although they were important as well. She didn't talk much about the Mycenians but this might be corrected, I don't know yet.
Well, in three years of Greec history, I at least had a class about Sparta. It was boring at the end. /trauma
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