00 - Dream a little bigger darling

Jul 26, 2010 00:14


And now,

Dear F-list, to anyone who's seen the movie, what do you choose to interpret from the ending? Was there anything you were unclear about or just wanted to know more? Likes, dislikes, list them! I was nicely surprised by Ellen Page as her role as Ariadne and as the Architect even if she is the designated audience filler.

Also, Christopher Nolan, I would like to thank you for making Joseph Gordon Levitt about 3906845823052 x times hotter than I've ever seen him in anything. I don't know if its his character, his snazzy suits, his slicked back hair, his snazzy suit vest, the hallway fight in said snazzy shirtsleeves or what. But. Dear Lord, to loosely quote an icon once, I suddenly question my sexuality, I think I have a sexuality now.

(How many people besides myself slash Eames/Arthur? Because....their several minutes of shared screentime with actual dialogue made my goggles steam up in alert. I kind of like the Arthur and Ariadne shiptease too.)

Much love,

Obligatory commercialing and I rarely do this: GO SEE IT IF YOU HAVEN'T, and the comments are potentially spoilerific so read at your own risk.

squee, dear f-list, capslocking

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