So in a spectacular show of being productive by doing something that I shouldn't be when I should be working on a term project...
1. Comment to this post with "I surrender!" and I'll assign you the basis of some TV show idea. (Science fiction show, medical drama, criminal procedure, etc...)
2. Create a cast of characters, including the actors who'd play them
3. Add in any actor photos, character bios and show synopsis that you want.
4. Post to your own journal.
ficciones prompted me with this:
For Some Reason (inherent ability of person/magical setting generally/TECHNOLOGY) an archaeologist in his/her research resurrects (as ghosts or real things or something) the stories that he/she recovers as he/she picks up and preserves fragments of pottery/buildings/etc. In this clash of fragmented history and the running present, a government organization also wants its say. And could there be true love in broken pieces?
Setting: In a world where magic functions in a systemic way, our main character finds himself living in Rome which has become the city for where all objects in Antiquity are sent
Type: Hour long miniseries, renewed for a second season with six 75 minute episodes and as of now, a to-be-aired epilogue special.
Season 1 Episodes:
1x01 Traveler From An Antique Land (Part 1)
1x02 Traveler From An Antique Land (Part 2)
First arc, introduces all of the main cast with the exception of Sabine and Thomas's discovery of his powers to bring statues to life after meeting a ghost known as Zephyr.
Trivia: Christopher first appears in a blink- and-you’ll- miss-it scene in episode 1
1x03 Bards in Fealty (Part 1)
1x04 Bards in Fealty (Part 2)
Thomas meets Mr. Young for an interesting discussion over high tea and features Sabine's first appearance.
1x05 Forgotten Babylon (Part 1)
In a shocking twist, Terence seems to become a victim of murder by the organization
1x06 Forgotten Babylon (Part 2)
After the death of Terence, Christopher seems to have also disappeared along with any trace of the organization, leaving a cliffhanger as to what really happened
Season 2 Episodes:
2x01 Among the Ruins (Part 1)
The start of Aspasia's personal arc along with Thomas.
2x02 Among the Ruins (Part 2)
Features the re-appearance of Terence since his death and it is left unexplained if Thomas is hallucinating or has kept Terence's memory alive in some form.
2x03 Among the Ruins (Part 3)
Aspasia is shown to often be in the company of Sabine and Christopher re-appears although he no longer seems to be with the organization...
2x04 Watcher of the Skies (Part 1)
The start of the problematic effect of Thomas's powers which seem to have extended to a version of the Midas touch
2x05 Watcher of the Skies (Part 2)
2x06 Watcher of the Skies (Part 3)
In a somewhat anticlimactic ending, Thomas confronts Mr. Young and is seemingly left to his own devices although it ends with a letter from the government of Rome with unspecified details..
Special: Bride of Quietness
The supposed epilogue, explain-all to the second season and just where everyone is 3 months after the end
Thomas Fathom - Joshua Jackson
The protagonist, Thomas’s strait-laced nature seems more suited for a hardcore scientist than an archaeologist even in a world where the occult is real. A deadpan snarker and caffeine addict, ever since working in Rome he’s been an insomniac…which makes his conversations with Terence a lot more interesting in the second season. Despite his barking, Thomas truly admires the art and pieces of pottery he goes through day in and day out and wishes that magic could be used to understand history better.
Spoiler! It is revealed that Thomas has the ability to bring 2 dimensional objects into life which then expands into 3D objects after accidently meeting a traveling spirit in search of a vessel.
Fandom: Terence was totally his lover in school!
Christopher Chapman - Simon Baker
A smooth operator and full of charm, Christopher oozes old school Hollywood style in a well tailored Armani suit. A bunny ears lawyer to the max, he enjoys his work as a spy on Thomas a little too much...if you know what I mean, although in the second season his loyalties and agenda are uncertain. He also has proven himself to be handy with close combat and appears throughout the episodes in various forms of disguises and false identities.
Shipping: Fans seem to enjoy pairing him up with Thomas the most especially in episode 1x04.
Epileptic Tree Theory: Ohmygod he has to be a resurrected statue or god!
Terence Haydon - Matthew Goode
Extremely British, Terence is the quintessential English gentleman with an Oxford degree in Classics and Political Science with an extra side helping of Stiff Upper Lip. He arrived in Rome for a holiday and seems to be an old friend of Thomas as he is the only one who knows about his secondary power but as the series progresses it is uncertain whether he only exists in Thomas’s memories after the wall-banger episode Forgotten Babylon (Part 1).
Spoiler! As of Season 2, Terence is in fact dead but Word of God is refusing to say what is the nature of his existence to Thomas
Epileptic Tree Theory: Terence is a ghost sharing Thomas's body!!
Aspasia Sene - Faye Wong
The beautiful and quiet co-worker of Thomas's, she is in fact native born to Rome and is primarily a restoration artist that works in the Palazzo dei Conservatori with it's collection of Greek, Egyptian and Roman statues. Although filled with poise, she is very caring of Thomas, often chiding him for drinking too many espressos and working late nights at the Palazzo Nuovo. She is the first person to see Sabine and she keeps this a secret although later on she too becomes caught up in Thomas's affairs.
Shipping: Fans like to pair her with Sabine and Word of God later confirms that they are the show's only canon couple.
Sabine - Tilda Swinton
Androgynous and eerily stoic, she too works for the organization that is tailing Thomas. Sabine is a blank slate in the way that no one knows what she is thinking although she is ideal in her work as she has the ability to only ever appear in front of people she wishes to reveal herself to. She was sent to the Capitoline Museums to investigate and later on became curious about Aspasia and her passion for her work resulting in deciding to abandon her invisibility to learn more about the young woman.
Spoiler! She is in fact a statue made into flesh by an unknown artist centuries ago and later picked up by the organization.
Mr. Young - Tony Leung
The observer as the events fold out, the man is only ever addressed as “Mr. Young” and seems to be the head of the organization although it is later implied that his name is a pseudonym used by various members within the organization. He achieves his cloak of omniscience by a network of spies and wishes for Thomas to come and use his powers for seemingly nefarious purposes although the organization has also done good such as rescuing Sabine from being burned as a witch.
Fandom: People try to ship him with Thomas but agree that it just doesn't feel right