Ok, so you know I'm not counting the books I read to Ruth right? Because I've read at least 550 books to her since Jan. 1.
Making Kind Choices by Ingrid Newkirk I noticed this book at work one day, and had to tell it home - gave a nice overview on pet and enviro-friendly houses/cleaning supplies, the use of animal products, a few recipes for vegan eating... It was ok I guess.
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen I read this book for
classics_knit and I should be knitting a shawl too. But it's not working out so well for me - I found the book interesting, but I couldn't read it before bed because it would knock me out. So it took forever to read.
Moral Disorder by Margaret Atwood I love Margaret Atwood. This book was brilliant, just like all her others. I really liked the story about the girl knitting a layette for her Mum's new bebe.