I Thought I Was Done With My Chores For The Day; Mother Nature Thought Otherwise

Aug 04, 2008 21:25

I was just about to watch a dvd when the thunderstorm started rolling in tonight; being a girl who is afraid of her electronics being zombified by electrical surges, I turned off and unplugged just about everything in my room. Thank goodness for books!

There I was, merrily reading about pirates (Empire of Blue Water, about Henry Morgan) when I realized that the rain was coming down so hard that it was coming in around the window air conditioner. A lot of water was coming in, in fact. I grabbed towels as quickly as I could (cursing the fact that I have only a few) and sopped up the mess as well as I could. I did remember to save one towel to use after tomorrow morning's shower, so I guess that's a good thing. And I saved my photos from the rain-soaked box that had been positioned under the waterfall.

I also heard the tornado sirens for the first time, though I had no idea what they were until it was safe enough to turn the computer back on and google. I suppose next time I'll know that I should go to the basement.

I'm not going to miss these summertime thunderstorms when I move back to the West Coast!

no more chores please, rain-rain-go-away, wtf weather

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