Mar 03, 2008 11:43
Those words were from my bikram yoga instructor this morning.
Bikram is totally kicking my ass right now. It's the hot yoga - the room is at 105 degrees with about 50% humidity, and you're in there for at least 90 minutes.
Today was my third class and apparently the mild cold I thought was pretty much gone was not gone so much. I had no stamina and about halfway through the class I had to give up and just lie there on my yoga mat. BUT! I did stay in the room instead of running out screaming like I wanted.
It's probably a good thing I was meditating on not spontaneously combusting, otherwise I might have had a difficult time stifling my giggle when the instructor was going on about our tight, tight cobra tails.
Tight, tight cobra tail! Squeeze your cobra tail! (Can't you just hear Dieter from Sprockets saying that?)