SYTYCD Controversy

Jul 26, 2007 21:48

This is why my username is disbelief...

After watching SYTYCD tonight and hearing about the upset over Mia's jacket and Wade's anti-war choreography, I did some surfing to find out more about it. I was shaking my head in disbelief at some of the comments I saw on the Fox SYTYCD boards.

Let's talk about Mia's jacket first. A number of people considered it a "slap in the face" to all Marines and were "absolutely disgusted" by her wearing it. Most of them vowed to never waste time watching the show again, "ooo-rahh."

On the one hand, I can understand how our brave citizens in the military are bothered by things like this - they have to do a lot to get to wear those uniforms. They do a dangerous job and wear the uniforms proudly.

On the other hand, fashion taking cues from the military (and often getting details wrong, like where and how the symbols should be placed) is nothing new. Is it an insult everytime that happens? Maybe some designers and some consumers think you look cool in your uniforms, and perhaps they intend it to be more of an homage than an insult. Or is the insult purely based on timing, where it's cool during times of peace but insulting during times of war?

However you may see it, Mia apologized and stated that she never intended to insult the military. Angry message board posters, are you able to accept her apology and move on? On the boards there were a few people from the military who were doing so but the majority of the posters were too busy being righteously indignant (at the time I was reading).

Now, Wade's anti-war routine. I think it was a load of crap that Nigel had to say anything at all about it. There should have been no excuses, no apologies, no explanations. It's called freedom of expression. It's not an insult to our troops to want peace, and to want the people who are serving in the war to come home safely. Plus, it's one of the freedoms the armed services are protecting, thank you very much.

Why can't an opposing opinion generate a discussion instead of histrionics? Why is a differing opinion so scary and dangerous? What do we gain from this us vs. them mentality?

This is why my username is disbelief. I can't believe how thin-skinned and arrogant and ignorant some people are.

sytycd, disbelief

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