Thank goodness for the ability to record shows and watch later because otherwise I don't think I could sit through these two-hour shows they've been going with lately. We hit fast-forward A LOT and let me tell you, a contestant has to really grab us with the first 20 seconds or so of a song or we're merrily clicking on ahead to the judging.
Except this week when C. was saying this
: "This song needs to be gone but I can't fast forward past the sobbing little girl." Heh. I guess this is why Sanjaya's still around - the 10 to 12 year old crowd adores him.
There was far too much of him sticking out his tongue, too. I could totally do without seeing that ever again.
As for the other performers, Lakisha bored me this week, I really want to get Melinda on my massage table to see if she's got something skeletal or muscular going on with her shoulders (or does she just not have a neck?), and I don't like Chris R. or Phil or Haley. Blake never gets fast-forwarded past in our viewing, nor does Gina (we think she's hot). Oh, and Ryan should never dance and sing on television again.