May 02, 2004 19:41
Oh god, I don't know what to do! Freaking out, freaking out, freaking out!
I have to have my 60 pages brought in (re-typed) tomorrow, bring stuff in for writing comedy and finish my short short for writer's craft, THEENNNNNNNNNNNN
For sociology, I have to do like 2 assignments, type up some terms, work on ISU, study for a test on Wed and murder my teacher! TTTTTTHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNN
I have to type up ISU questions, distribute them (and make copies myself cause our school is CHEAP) and then I have to hand in the results for food and nutrition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE PLAY!!!!!! We perform on thursday! Meaning, Monday I stay after school till 5:30, then on tues I stay after till 10:30!!!!!!! And on Wed. till 6:30!!!!
MEANING......................I only have 2 hours MAX at home!
KILL ME!!!! HOW AM I GOING TO DO THIS ALL??!?!?!?!!?! No sleep for angie!
hmm let me calculate the homework:
Writers craft: 6-8 hours due: tomorrow, and Wed.
Sociology: 4-5 hours due: tomorrow, and Wed.
Food & Nutrition: 3 hours due: sometime this week
Total: Aprox. 13-16 hours! JUST homework!
Now...lets add the play....
Monday: 3 hours
Tues: 7-8 hours
Wed: 4 hours
Thurs: 4-5 hrs
Fri: 4-5 hrs
Sat: 4-5 hrs
Why not add in the time I have to make the film for the grads in the play (which happens to be the majority) Aprox...4hrs
Total of the play: 26-30 hours
Now...lets add the homeowork to that....
total hours of crap to do this week comes to.....*drum roll*
....39-46 hours!!! WOO!
Total time to sleep...ZERO!
I better get extentions!
stupid schooL!!!!!!!!!!!