Apr 01, 2004 19:06

This was the best day I've had in a long time!
I went on a drama trip today! I brought my cam corder and video taped stuff and interviewed ppl and it was sad cause everyone said such sweet things! AWW
My feet are killing me though, I wore a skirt and heels (laundry day, and I couldn't wear sneakers with the skirt, I have to give it some justice!) we walked around Toronto for around 6 hours! I saw the beautifulest dresses! They're victorian gowns and I wanted to rent one for prom...maybe...I doubt it, but whatever.
OOOO!!! I finally found someone I can make a movie with!! Darren and I will get together and make the most awesome movie!! We found a lot of places to shoot and all we need is a script, a cast, and a whole lot of other stuff and we'll make the movie!! ooooo such fun!
and the best is yet to come....I GOT INTO HUMBER'S COMEDY PROGRAM AND THEIR THEATRE PROGRAM!!!! I don't know which one I'm going to.. but I'm going towards the comedy program..only 2 years and it will be sooooooo much fun!
This day was so great, and I'm becoming closer to a lot of great people and I'm happy for that! YAY!
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