Oct 22, 2003 17:40
hey hey!
I finally found a musical instrument that I like playing that I never thought I would....DRUMS!!!
I love them now! I've been playing them all my life, but I never like them, but now I can't live without it! I want to be in a band. Not a serious band though, just something on the side...but GOD NO! NEVER THE SCHOOL BAND EVER AGAIN! 3 times is enough...lol
Anywho, today was pretty good. School started at 12 today cause of the literacy test and all that jazz. Ugh I don't like watching tv now cause it pisses me off too much. Don't you get offended by the stuff you see now? Don't you remember the good-ol-days of always seeing Barbie commercials, and dolls and all these cool toys? Where did all the toy commercials go? Down the toilet with Sesame street? I love that show! Does anyone know if it's still on? Ahhh well. Life is going to hell!!!!!!! lol