Dec 28, 2010 17:13
I said the crudest thing at work today, totally unintentionally of course… (Apparently that's my M.O.)
So, there wasn’t a lot going on at work today and we were sitting around watching DVD’s or reading, or surfing the net. At one point my boss announced "Oh guys! Did you see this news article in the news today about the 80 year old man in Navarre??" Of course we hadn’t so she read the story to us. Apparently an elderly man visited a park restroom that was known for its special nature of having a glory hole. (The news article actually used the term glory hole several times.) The man exposed himself to a park ranger and was arrested. As he was being arrested, he tried to talk the ranger into letting him go by explaining that he was going through a divorce and then by offering to do free landscaping around his house. At the end of the article, there were several reader comments that my boss read to us. One person wrote "Who gets a divorce at 80? Wouldn’t you rather spend your money on a funeral than give it to lawyers?" Another person wrote "Who would let an 80 year old man to do landscaping around their house?"
We were all laughing a lot over the reader comments when my boss remarked "Yeah! He wasn’t hanging out at the park restroom being a dirty old man, he was just doing some landscaping in the stall!" After which I said, "Heheheh! Yeah, he was just fixing up the place! He was in the stall when he noticed a big hole that wasn’t supposed to be there, so he was just plastering the wall!"
Then there was an awkward pause in the conversation as all my co-workers gawked at me in dead silence with their mouths open. When I noticed their reactions, I quickly said "No! Nonono!! That’s not what I meant!! That’s so horrible!! That came out wrong!!" Then one of my co-workers quickly interjected "That’s what he said!"… and everyone completely lost it. We were all dying laughing, but I was still a little embarrassed because I really didn’t mean for my comment to be that crude, so I continued to try to explain. I said "No, no no… really! I didn’t mean it that way for real! I just meant that he was in the stall doing a little handiwork!"
At this point there was another pause before my co-workers burst out laughing again, but this time they were crying because they were laughing so hard.
So I just gave up trying to explain and I put my head down on my desk to keep from digging myself in any further…
I love my co-workers!! Lol!!!